Finally, a thousand posts under my belt

I’ve been waiting for this for a while. It’s a nice round number, and I couldn’t just let it slip by unnoticed, even if I’m not much of post count party guy. So I figured that I’d just blatantly make this all about me. Come on, tell me how much you love me. I promise to personally thank and say nice things about everyone that posts here. Unless you are a jackass first.

gives waterj2 a big hug

Congrats, it’s a wonderful number and now you’ll forever be rid of the title of a newbie, hopefully. Well you seem like a nice guy, keep posting. Now where are the naked guys and beer? :slight_smile:


Um… my dedication to truthfulness and honesty means I have to admit I haven’t noticed all that many of your posts mate. Sorry - nothing personal.

Though I do have some vague recollections of an olympic mention, copyright and trainspotting. And didn’t you try to resurrect Guy Stuff?

Congratulations regardless and welcome to four figures. Does it get any better than this?

Who knows…

Congrats, waterj2 on your first 1000! Those of yours that I’ve read, I’ve enjoyed, including an all-to-brief time spent working for SingleDad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s to many more. <raises glass of wine in a toast>
So, I agree with Kitty, where are the naked guys and booze? :wink:

Getting to be crowd of us who’ve just made it above 1k. Conga-rats.

Good to have you up here in the ranks of definitely-not-newbies-anymore, waterj2! I just knew you’d make it! :wink:

Fairy Princess Kitty: Thank you, and have I ever mentioned how cool I think your user name is? For naked guys and beer, you’ll have to find matt_mcl’s 3000 post party. Here we’ve just got some good wine for toasting each other.

dpr: Thank you. You are obviously possessed of an incredible memory (although I don’t recall an Olympics thread I posted to). If, for some reason, you want to see more of me, check out the various libertarianism debates.

purplebear: Thank you. We did make a great team on the Straight Dope Legion of Honor, didn’t we? Those were the days. I’ll drink to that toast. And I’d love seeing more of you around as well.

Saint Zero: Thank you, my fellow recent milestone passer. Life is better up here isn’t?

evilbeth: Thank you as well. It’s great to be acknowledged by one of Cecil’s interns. Especially the one who’s so delightfully evil.

I just want to thank you for calling me delightfully evil! Everyone else around here is obsessed with telling me I’m not evil at all! Someday they’ll learn!!

Happy 1K waterj2. Go for the gusto!


Well, waterj2, I love you almost as much unscented deoderant, and considerably more than used cat litter. And I sincerely hope you feel the same way about me.

Now…where’s the booze?

Happy thousand.

Zenster: Thank you. And when I get the gusto, I’ll be sure to give you your due credit.

MysterEcks: Thank you. And yes, I do have the same degree of love for you. Actually, I prefer scented deodorant, so I’ll say I love you even more than unscented deodorant.

waterj2 said:

Me too. (I hope this revelation isn’t emotionally devestating or anything.)

Now thisis a warm and fuzzy thread.

Congratulations, waterj2. I’d just like to say that I’ve never had the urge to give any of your posts the babelfish treatment (English to German to English to…). I hope that isn’t too mushy and emotional for you.

So, where’s the snacks? The alcohol? The strip poker and nude twister?