I love reading the comments.
I got that linky yesterday from customerssuck.com
I absolutely love the lumberjack one =)
Me too, because he’s a lumberjack and he’s allright.
Does he work all day? What does he do at night?
That’s just what a woman needs. A box of ballpoint penis.
Shut up and take my money!!!
Wait, what is this “writing” of which they speak?
*BIC For Her Amber Medium Ballpoint Pen (Box of 12) - Black
*Not available in Afghanistan
Walked into the local hardware store. It was promoting tools and toolbelts for woman. Everything either had a pink handle or was pink. Made me all stabby.
To be fair, its got to kind of suck to be the marketing guy that has to justify his paycheck by coming up with new and innovative ways to market pens.
He was almost fired in 1955 when it was discovered through focus groups that millions of scuba divers wouldn’t write long letters under water with Paper Mate pens even if they could.
…but does it shave close?
It was a pretty obvious move. Freud worked out more than 100 years ago that all women subconsciously suffer from pens envy.
That’s the first pen packaging I’ve ever seen that looks like it actually needs to have “For External Use Only” stamped on it.
Serious, Bic, what the hell? Did you find some unused product designs while rummaging through the dumpster behind Kotex?
I think that we’re forgetting that the pen produces a 0.4mm line, as opposed to the more masculine 0.5mm. Perfect for dotting I’s with little hearts!
I thought I posted to this thread earlier, but it doesn’t seem to be here.
I heard this story on NPR in my car this morning. Their approach was not surprising. “Not to put too fine a point on it,” they said, “Women are skeptical.” The feeling seems to be that the company is trying to sell two sets of pens to every household.
If they want to sell to specialized groups, they shou;ld try marketing independently to writers, drafters, artists, etc. Not just specialized points, of course, but the whole ambience. I’ve known writers who tried out a variety of pens and stayed with what they thought of as their “lucky” pens. I have no doubt artists feel the same way. Establish a customer base like that and you’re set for life – they’d be like adicts, going to your company for their Hit.
Personally, I think “girly” designs for tools can have some merit, at least for discouraging tool theft by husbands (mine has a bad habit of making off with my pliers, wire cutters, and such that I use for crafts).
Women can write? Who knew!
Hello?!? 0.4mm!
It really is more for doodling but I don’t see why they can’t just share the crayons with the children.
Oh, great. Now we’re going to be subjected to really grouchy notes every 28 days.