So, my brother revealed something to me last night. A bit stunning to say the least.
His father-in-law emigrated from Poland after World War 2. His mother-in-law has been dead for many years.
For about a year his wife had been talking about doing the Ancestry dot com thing to get a perspective on her family and relatives. So he finally bought her a kit for her birthday some months ago. She was thrilled.
She did the test. Came back that she had no Polish ancestry. WTF, right? She knows for a fact that her dad was born/raised in Poland. Her DNA says she has English, Irish, and Scandinavian blood. The English and Irish part would have been from her mother for sure.
They don’t tell anyone about the test. Instead she talked her dad into taking one. He comes back with an extraordinary amount of Polish ancestry, like 87%, and the rest a mix of German, Russian, and Czech.
You can see where this is headed, right?
So she lied to her father and told him the test was skewed and he has to do it again. Only this time instead of sending it to Ancestry she sent it (along with her saliva) to a paternity test.
Yep. You guessed it. The man she called daddy for almost 50 years is not really her daddy. Sister in-law is devastated.
She hasn’t told her father this yet. She is certain he doesn’t know. I don’t know what she’s basing that on. This does answer some questions, though. While she looks a lot like her mother she never looked anything like him, yet her brothers and sisters do.
She’s seen many photos of her mother in 1968, and she was quite pregnant. So s.i.l. is certain she’s not adopted.
She really want’s to know who her biological father is. Dead or alive she want’s to know who it is.
She’s been using the Ancestry subscription service to track down hits of matches to her DNA. She put together a board that resembles the suspect board we use in law enforcement.
She also got a hold of 3 of her mothers close friends from years ago. They are all elderly but had plenty of memories to share. While none of them had a clue as to who her real father is, she was shocked to hear them say this this news did not surprise them. Apparently her dad was a real bastard to her mother and it didn’t stun them that she would have found comfort in another mans arms. That made her feel even worse about all this.
My brother told all of this to me last night over some beers. He said that his wife is slumping into a depression and he made her an appointment with a counselor this week because he feels she needs to speak with a professional about how all this is affecting her.
In the meantime he wanted to know if I knew of any way to track down her father.
Other than what she’s doing with the Ancestry thing I haven’t the faintest idea of what to do. We have no idea who this person is. All we have are clues to their heritage.
Is it even possible to succeed at what she’s attempting? For all we know it could have just been a one night fling with someone in mid-1967.
Anything you can think of will be appreciated.