Finding out what happened after a motorcycle crash.

How do I find information about a serious traffic accident from last month? What I would like to know is whether the seriously injured motorcyclist lived or died. I’d love to know more about what happened to him, too, but mainly, I’d just like to know whether he made it.

I know the date, the approximate location, and the victim’s first name. I know I could call the police or the EMS services in the area, but I’d prefer not to identify myself. FWIW, it took place in Suffolk County, NY.

I did all the usual internet searching, and didn’t turn up anything. Anyone have any ideas about where I could find the information?

Thanks in advance.

You could call your local newspaper and see if some helpful person wants to help you look it up.

Other than that, I think you’ll have to get the information from the law enforcement agency that did the investigation - and they’ll want to know who you are.