Fireman Saved from Bullet by DVD in his Pocket

This story is like that old one about the guy saved by his pocket bible:

My favorite part:

The DVD was NICKED!!! Not only did it save his life, it wasn’t even severely damaged, apparently.

DVDs are made od polycarbonate plastic. I’ve worked on molding polycarb eyeweare. We shot bullets at them without them breaking, and with the bullet just barely penetrating the plastic, if at all. But those were thicker than your average DVD. That’s one TOUGH DVD.

I call bullshit.

Well, he was probably saved, but only from a bad bruise.

As I recall, Mythbusters did a series on the “saved by a Bible/pocket lighter/deck of cards” thing and any direct shot went pretty much right on through.

Hmmm, do you think the bullet would have had enough speed to do damage if the DVD wasn’t there? I mean, it went through a guy and a window first.

Exactly… it wasn’t a direct shot.

CDs and DVDs aren’t particularly tough. You can break a CD with your bare hands (be careful if you try this at home, there are jagged shards.) I think a bullet would shatter a DVD.

In this case the bullet went through a person, through a window, and then hit the firefighter. It probably didn’t have enough energy to be lethal at that point anyway.

Talk about insulting… shot by a used bullet… an ineffectual used bullet at that.

I’m more impressed he survived the meal at Waffle House.

And they say nothing good ever came from video piracy.

I heard this story on the way home and my immediate question was what DVD was it. I’m bitterly disappointed to learn that it was some home-burned thing. So now the question is, what DVD should it have been?

Bullets Over Broadway?
A Shot in the Dark?
Wonder Woman box set?