First human brain linked to the internet in real time.

It may sound pompous, and I totally got lost in my imagination with this. The Wits biomedical engineers have connected a human brain to the internet. Long story short, it streams brainwaves to the web, by converting the brain into an Internet of Things (IoT) node on the World Wide Web. ( more, here: insaneclopedia )

In another article on TheMindLab the engineers are quoted on something even better:

More of a random share than a debate. Moved from Great Debates to MPSIMS.


Eh, no big deal. It’s basically the equivalent of an app that sends biometric data to the cloud for computation; the only new aspect is that it’s EEG data rather than heart rate or something. So far they don’t seem to be doing much with the gizmo aside from some basic biofeedback.

Here’s the paper: Classifying Different Emotional States by Means of EEG-Based Functional Connectivity Patterns. They’re trying to tell whether the subject is feeling “neutral, positive, or negative” emotional states from EEG recordings. Their big finding: “The results indicated that the classification rate was better than chance.”

Many experiments like this have been done before, and will be done again. We’re far, far away from being able to tell what people are thinking by sticking electrodes onto their skull, if that’s what you’re wondering about.

^This, which is wholly different than “linking” a brain to the web.