fishbycycle, get a fucking grip

fishbycycle in ATMB:

Tubadiva(who I haven’t agreed with a lot lately) says:

fish responds with:

Shit on a fucking stick, “software glitch”? You are fucking whining because your post count was off by ONE fuckin post?

You need to go outside, dipshit. Tuba was gentle on you (you go girl!). Can’t do enough :rolleyes:

That was supposed to be in the Pit, very sorry mods.

I lived for forty seven years without the benevolence of your approval. I can do it some more. Fuck yourself.

You know, I didn’t catch anything as histrionic about her post as about yours. Anyway, if somebody notices a glitch, they should report it. Sometimes the little things like this can be a sign of impending apocalypse and it’s better to catch them sooner or later. And sometimes not.

That first sentence was completely unnecessary and added absolutely nothing to the exchange.

And since this was intended for the pit…

Careful, you’re eyes might freeze like that, and then you’d be stuck looking like an idiot. Oh wait…

Moderator’s Note: Moving from ATMB to the Pit.

I wish I could get paid for mouthing off to my customers and acting like I had better things to do than deal with their problems too.

and somewhere, a small hamster chews on his own turd.

Count me as someone who thought that Tuba was out of line with that comment. She should apply with AOL for a job in their customer service department. She’d be their star employee. Perhaps the Random Post Count Advance Feature is one of those new, cool things we were promised. The Pukey Smiley can’t be far behind.

fishbicycle wasn’t wanking or asking that his post count be adjusted. He was pointing out a problem and trying to help.

Now that you mention it, the boards did start on AOL. . .

Naah. :smiley:

It is really hard to know when to report things and when not to. Just because we report a potential problem, that doesn’t mean that it “matters” to us or that we are complaining. It might mean that we think that it might matter to you.

I just put it down as a “bad hair day” for the Admin. Need to cut some slack sometimes.

It sounds like something I might report too. Not because I particularly cared about the post count but because a glitch is a glitch and might be the start of a bigger problem. As a matter of fact, I have reported stuff like this on other boards. In that case it was a date that was out of whack. The reply there was polite and concerned. I’d expect the same here.

Just FWIW.

Here’s what I wonder… why is it even necessary for her to pass judgment on him in the first place to just answer the question? For the life of me, I’ll never understand someone’s feeling that because X isn’t important to them, then for those that it is, they must be < insert derogatory comment here >.

I’m sure those that run the place around here put up with a lot of shit, but by the same token, it appears that they’re cut quite a bit of slack when something like the aforementioned happens. Why couldn’t we all at least skip a beat or four, give the benefit of doubt about things, re-think how we’re going to sound when we say negatives things, then continue down the particular path that we choose?

Geez, fishbicycle could be laboring under all kinds of huge issues in his life, but could still inquire about a glitch (because that’s how I read his post – not about having lost a digit from his account), but didn’t think it necessary to include a disclaimer to simply use the service he pays for. Or, by the same token, it might’ve just struck him as odd and he wanted to “fight ignorance” about the cause. Regardless, I agree that dealing with impolite customer service right off the bat for no reason except the one held by the person who was dismissive, is not a good way to conduct business. Fair neither. Then you throw in the whole “Don’t be a jerk.” standard that the unwashed masses are supposed to adhere to and puzzlement (at best) is warranted.

However, I meant to add that his response in turn was way over the top in relation to what she said. Sadly though, it often doesn’t seem that any sort of issue taken with the boards or its moderation gets dealt with much indifferent of how the opinions are expressed. Polite and drippy sweet or obnoxious and profane (however way you want, take your pick), we all frequently hear the same answers. As everyone knows, that can be incredibly frustrating and for some, they snap and give in. Not right of course, but you can see why it happens (especially in situations similar to this).

I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the Admin concerned was being a jerk, unless you’re sugegsting that there’s a pattern of behaviour here. They do a hell of a job and have to deal with probably scores of inquiries and complaints every day.

I don’t give a shit. I stand by my post. I don’t have to explain myself for a fucking Pit rant.

If you track your postcount that fucking closely, with 3000+, (can we say anal) we are on opposite sides of the galaxy to begin with. Jeez… Done.

Ain’t been around these parts long, have you there?

You must be really new kevegan, and not one of those longtime lurker types. :wink: All I’ll say is that there is such a quite huge history of this that I’m really surprised that you haven’t seen a pit thread or two on it in even your short time here.

I’ll leave it though for someone better adept at it (and less oblivious) to explain any specifics if they’d like. But trust me, I usually don’t say boo on the topic because I feel it does no good and I prefer the trade-off that the boards/members themselves give regardless. So, that’s all I’ve got to add 'bout that.

Oh, and welcome aboard of course! :smiley:

Missed this, but I gotta ask… may I use this thread as a specific example to back up my post in the “Tiny Rants” one? You see, despite how much it pisses me off that the world seems so drenched in lack of reading comprehension skills, I usually don’t remember them at the time I kvetch. So, using this as a juxtaposition with the fact that the man explained himself thusly (I suppose he did so because he didn’t want anyone to jump to the wrong conclusions – who on earth would do that though!?):

[bolding mine]

to let us in the peanut gallery at home (and one would think the need-to-know tech folks) that it had to do with whether or not there was a glitch. Because he had not paid attention before. And we did just lose a whole day recently, maybe something like that (minor to us, but in the great hamster world?) could be, or trigger, the cause.

But whatever dude. Be righteous in your indignation and rock on!

How about they both did wrong?

fishbicycle was indeed rude, I agree completely, but I thought the provoking comment from TubaDiva wasn’t too nice either. I know only a little bit about software and databases, so I’m by no means an expert, but weird occurences like fishbicycle described should not go unreported. Those post numbers are not just numbers on your screen. Such a numbering redundancy may very well lead to further board errors, which can be fixed, but can be quite a drag for whoever’s in charge of managing the databases.

Why not pack up and call it a day.