
I got this as a link, with the .thingy attached, in an email from “coupons” offering me a bunch of coupons. I tried to finding some info, but all I got was more links to the same site. Earthlink wasn’t much help either.
I’m just curious about it. No need for coupons. :wink:

Wait, what precisely was the “this” that you got?

That would be what’s in the title. Like up there ^ I didn’t mean to be tricky.

You got… a 13 character string? Link? File? What do you mean by “.thingy attached”?

.com Attached to the string. It makes a link, like I said in the OP, but a long time ago I got yelled at by a mod for posting a live link.
I’ve only had two beers. Are you guys messing with me?

Well, an unsolicited email advertising a link to a commercial web site is pretty much the definition of spam. And the .com site has been removed.

You got spammed.

So this is the first time you’ve ever received an email from somebody you don’t know with a mysterious link in it? Is it 1993 over there?

Don’t count. I didn’t click. :wink:

Hmmm… I got something that appears to be from a Nigerian princess. I wonder what it really is?

It’s the name in the link I’m curious about. I wonder about the source. Could be simply made up, I guess. It’s like once you learn the inspiration behind Don McLean’s “Starry Starry Night” (Vincent) the (beautiful) song takes on a whole new meaning.
Of course I caught it instantly on first hearing it. But I’m special. :stuck_out_tongue:

Somewhere there’s a Nigerian Princess crying her pretty eyes out because you snubbed her.
Bad man!

Are you sure you’ve only had two beers?

Yep. Two Guinness, in the can with the cool foamer ball inside.
Why? Please be specific.

Oh man, there is nothing worse than a Nigerian Princess with no eyes.
*eta: no disrespect intended to any Nigerian Princesses in the audience, eyed or not. *

It’ll either be a name someone registered for a blog or the like, and subsequently taken over by a spammer, or a meaningless phrase generated by an algorithm, perhaps a 3-gram extracted from a random forum thread.

Either way, its purpose is as an obstacle to make it harder to identify and stop the spammer.

I assumed it would be a site about all those women who seem to think that making a fishface is the way to get guys to date them on dating sites.

That’s a fishface?
Huh. I didn’t know.
I shall investigate.