Five-Strike Hangman

It is a sentence hangman.

The original player posts the structure of the sentence.
The letters are not revealed since they are supposed to be found out by the rest of the players.

Players make their guesses.
Only letter guesses are admitted.
One guess per post.

The original player regularly updates the sentence by revealing the letters that have been guessed correctly.
Incorrect guesses are mentioned and tallied.

When five incorrect guesses have been accumulated, the original player wins and gets to post the next sentence.
If all the letters in the sentence have been guessed correctly before accumulating five incorrect guesses, the player who has made the last correct guess wins and gets to post the next sentence, thus becoming the original player for the next round.

Here’s the first sentence, where 0’s stand for letters and the slash indicates the end of the word. Please submit your guesses. Only letter guesses are admitted. Sentence or word guesses are not allowed.

0 0 / 0 0 0 / 0 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 0.

I’ll guess a “T”, Placebo.

Nice guess. :slight_smile:

0 0 / 0 0 0 / 0 0 T / 0 T 0 0 0 / T 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0 T 0.

Is the sentence a common phrase, or just any old random sentence?

It is not a common phrase. But it’s a sentence I’ve heard.

I’d like to guess an “S”, Placebo.

Nice guess again. :slight_smile:

0 0 / 0 0 0 / 0 0 T / S T 0 0 0 / T 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0 T 0.

Well, then, I’d like to guess an “O”, Placebo.

Good. I’m going to adjust the sentence right now. :slight_smile:
Three are three o’s.

0 0 / 0 0 0 / 0 O T / S T 0 0 0 / T O / 0 0 / 0 O 0 T 0.

May I guess “N”?

Yes, of course. Thank you.
Unfortunately, this guess is a miss.
There are no n’s in this sentence.

Strike one.

The sentence remains the same:

I am re-posting the sentence in a more traditional form.
Maybe this is helpful:

/ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ O T / S T _ _ _ / T O / _ _ / _ O _ T _ .

“N” was a good guess.
I’ll guess “E”.

Any guess is a good guess, at least in one respect.

Thank you for your new guess.
Unfortunately, there are no e’s in this sentence.

Strike two.

/_ _ / _ _ _ / _ O T / S T _ _ _ / T O / _ _ / _ O _ T _ .

No “E”? Inconceivable!

Oh, well.

How about “H”?

Implacable this time. :slight_smile:
There is one H in this sentence.

/_ _ / _ _ _ / _ O T / S T _ _ _ / T O / _ _ / _ O _ T H.

And then, maybe, an “R”?

No, I’m sorry. There are no R’s in this sentence.

Strike three.

/_ _ / _ _ _ / _ O T / S T _ _ _ / T O / _ _ / _ O _ T H.

If anyone can guess, I’d like to buy an I <-- uppercase i.

Thank you. Of course, anyone can guess.
If there were more guesses, this game would be a little more dynamic.

Unfortunately, there are no i’s in this sentence.

Strike four.

The sentence remains unchanged: