Five year old's logic

He did. (As Joe Cool.)

Our shirt, though, isn’t cartoonish at all- it’s a well-rendered drawing of sunglasses on a lab-like dog, e.g., a dog with a good-sized snout as part of its facial structure. Which, as anyone who’s seen those types of dogs knows, includes two noses.

Right before Easter eating scrambled eggs at the evening meal with my small person. I think he was younger than five.

Matt, do you know where eggs come from?


No, I mean what kind of creature do we get eggs from?


My daughter at age 3 or 4 was “counting to infinity” one day when she stopped suddenly and asked me “is there backwards infinity?” A brief chat about the number line and I assured her there is indeed “backwards infinity!” But it will take an awfully long time to count to it. :wink:

A friend told me of his young daughter who when asked one Christmastime if she believed in Santa Claus affirmed that she did because “Daddy couldn’t possibly afford all these toys!”