Flare my jock off?

Not really “misunderstood lyrics”. And not an anti-French rant. Just a bit of silliness.

Flare my jock off!
Flare my jock off!

Of course, this is the country that gave us de Sade.

Gourmet poo!
Gourmet poo!

Those French will eat anything!

Sonny laid Martina
Sonny laid Martina

They’re always boffing.

In my room
In my room

That’s a little rude. Find your own place!

Yeah, and what’s with those bells in the background?

Totally Mac (as in un-PC), but very funny. :smiley: Burining one’s jock off with a flare sounds kinda risky, though. :wink:

OK, I JUST now understood what tune to sing this to.

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