Fleur-de-lis on Danish immigrant to the USA, 1907

Here is a picture of a Danish immigrant to the USA, taken on Ellis Island 1907.

  • it appears he is wearing some kind of uniform or a regional jacket. But perhaps not. I’m wondering how the fleur-de-lis ended up there. Perhaps it was merely for decoration. Or perhaps not. Anyone to hazard a guess?

They’re utterly ubiquitous throughout Europe, not just in France. I don’t know the specific antecedents of this one, but it could be from just about anything. Here are two regional Dutch flags displaying them: one, two.

The man is from Svendborg. A town close to the Danish city Odense. I just learned that Odense has had the fleur-de-lis as part of its emblem from at least 1460. I recon that is where it comes.