Any of you cats got the at Caddie with the heads up IR display???
I am wonderin; if the IR dispaly will show the man doin; their creapy hide speed trap on the side of the road thing.It seems like the car would be golwin’ big? But how far dow the oar and what field of vision are you gettin’
Wow…that was like reading “Huck Finn”.
Normally, I can answer any FLIR related questions with relative authority.
This one, however, I’m at a loss on. 
Possible, but probably not.
LMAO - wow what a mess that was - and so was I when I attempted to ask that GQ.
It seems like a cop hiding on the side of the road shooting radar/lidar would be revealed using the FLIR.
Tuckerfan, thanks for the link. It looks like it would work from what I saw on that site.
How about another chance Mr. Cynical?