Florida may scrap touchscreen voting machines

. . . and replace them with optical-scan machines that leave a paper trail, at a cost of $32.5 million.

Well, it cost a lot but we’re learning from our mistakes.

Will this lead to a nationwide scrapping of the touchscreen machines?

Yeah, this whole “voting” thing, being new and all, is going to take us some time to figure out. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a good voting system, apparently, wasn’t built in 225 years.

Contested elections are inevidable. Without a papertrail, there isn’t really any concrete evidence to examine when they happen, and the resulting courtbattles are left with suggestive but inconclusive statistical anomilies and conspiracy theories as to “who controls the machines”.

The question isn’t so much should we replace the touch-screens with new machines but why did they go ahead and impliment the touchscreen system in the first place in a state known for having close election results.

That’s why. It was supposed to solve those problems.

Seemed like a good idea at the time . . .

And it only took getting Jeb Bush out of office, too. :wink:

Our new governor is great! I hope he doesn’t lose his momentum!

But will other states follow suit?