Flying car or flying horse?

To reward you for your valiant efforts in preventing the Smurf holocaust, Pallas Athena has directed Rhymer Enterprises to gift you with either a flying car or a flying horse.

The flying car is technological in nature. It will be custom-made for you so that it looks exactly like whatever model car you choose. Whesmf n roading it uses ordinary fuel you can buy at any gas station and will get comparable mileage to whatever vehicle you have chosen to have it emulate; its maintenance is also comparable… But nobody cares about that shit, you want to hear about the aerial part, I’m sure. The flying is accomplished via antigrav tech and allows your vehicle to fly as fast as a Huey helicopter, as we as to hover and fly backwards and suchlike. You get enough fuel to cover you for about 1 million miles, which, incidentally, is how long you have until the first maintenance check. You’re good till then unless you slam it into a mountain or something. In either mode there is an available autopilot sophisticated enough so you can slip in, say, “Take me to Vegas, Gay Deceiver!” and just pretend to be driving (or nap) till you arrive; theres also a tutorial program that’ll teach you how to fly the thing if you want. Just to be nice I’ve told the guys to mount a retractable phaser cannon on the roof.

The flying horse is, obviously, magical. It’s a great palomino stallion – well, gelding – with big-ass wings sprouting from each side when needed, but otherwise looks like a regular steed. It, or rather he, can fly as fast as a Huey and do all that helicopter shit; on the ground it can run about as fast and far as any car can drive. to do this it requires regular feedings of a certain magic beans, and RhE will supply you with ten years worth, at which point the horse will be ready to be [del]made into glue[/del] putout to pasture anyway. (The carrots are the only food he needs, and they will not enable anything else to take to the air.) While flying, the horse’s passenger (i.e., you) will be magically protected from low pressure, low temperature, and other assorted issues, though if somebody aims an RPG at you, you’d better dodge. The horse, incidentally, is much smarter than the average bear; it can understand and speak English. It will be conditioned to love you more than sugar cubes and will protect you from harm at the expense of its life if necessary.

Oh, and if you take the horse you get a working ight-sabre. No special reason, we just have some lying around gathering dust. Anyone, if you’re gonna be on a flying horse you need a spectacular weapon, don’tcha?

So which do you choose, and why?

The car. I prefer my transportation not to have a mind of its own. Though the love, the English and the lightsaber are awful tempting.

ETA: Also I need cargo space.

That’s what saddlebags are for, you fool!

I remind you that if you’re surrounded by ISIS or zombies or IRS agents, the horse will race to your rescue, snorting fire and kicking ass and if necessary sacrificing his life to save your ass, whereas the car’s AI will hear your cry for help, snort, and say, “Just got polished, sorry. Good luck!”

If I was younger I’d take the horse to attract chicks. Now I’ll go with the car for practical purposes. It’s going to attract plenty of chicks also.

The car has air conditioning, buckets seats, a stereo and a trunk for all my stuff, right? How is this even a debate? I’ve spent a day on a horse (well, a mule) before and it was not a comfortable day. Nor was the day after. And all my luggage had to fit in a tube the size of a large ziplock bag.

Even if I likes riding horses for long durations, I’d pick the car just out of consideration for the folks below who would otherwise have to deal with the consequences of a flying mammal that, as Wikipedia notes: “will eat 15 to 24 lb of food per day and, under normal use, drink 10 to 12 US gal of water”.

Not to mention the risk of falls from a flying horse. I assume the flying car has doors that latch securely…

I luv horses. Always have. I love me a fast car too. But horses are holy and awesome. I’d take it without the wings. And it’s a magic horse that is smart and will be my bestie?

How is this debatable? I’d crawl through broken glass for the flying horse. Plus Imma look awesome swooping in to wreak havoc and smite my foes.

Would take a flying car that emulates my current car.

If you whistle while hanging off a cliff, will your flying car come save you? Hell no. I’ll take the horse, who will also look out for me and do my flying for me after I’ve had a few. (But I don’t vote in public polls.)

How exactly can a winged horse get close enough to you when you’re hanging by your fingernails off a cliff?

Well, my flying horse can hover like a hummingbird. I’ll just push off with my feet and land safely on him.

Yup, the FAA will ground a bit slower than shit thru a [del]goose[/del] horse. (This is the federal gubmint we’re talking about.) There be FARs against pitching stuff from up high, well, technically from an aircraft; what, exactly is a flying horse considered? Even if they don’t, the lawsuits from when dem apples land on a car…or a person :eek: will bankrupt you!

Uh-uh. No way. Car for me.

I don’t have to worry about falling off the car when it’s in flight. Easy choice.

But the car will not swoop down and save you if you do fall out.

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a [del]good blaster at your side[/del] phaser cannon mounted on the roof of your flying car.

I also have no place to keep a horse. I could park my special customized flying car (that “looks exactly like whatever model car you choose”) in my usual spot.

I consider this a feature, not a bug. Forget pigeons, I’m carpet-bombing all my enemies.

The horse loves you more than sugar cubes. He will let you fall, any more than Shadowfax would.

I would prefer a flying motorcycle

but I know I don’t want the horse. I’ve had to care for horses and its too damn much work.

Being as I’m somewhat afraid of normal horses, I don’t suppose I’d get along well with a flying one.

Does it have a big H on it’s chest, & a red cape around it’s neck? If it does have a red cape around it’s neck, doesn’t it get in you’re way…or is that why you fell off in the first place? :smack:

My (limited) experiences around horses is that you don’t control the bomb bay doors, they do.