Folding Bikes

Hello, everyone
I’m trying to buy a bicycle for my girlfriend.
I have researched a little bit and I still don’t have a good idea.
I would like to get her a folding bike, not too expensive one that is…
Ones I saw so far are ‘Dahon’ and ‘Citizen’.
I’m thinking around 2 ~ 300 Dollars range.
We live in Brooklyn, NY and she will probably use it in the City (fold it in subway)
Would anyone know what would be the good brand and model?
Thanks everyone in advance!

The Dahon Boardwalk is a nice bike in that price range. It is easy to fold up and performs well. The quality is good and there are numerous dealers.

Keep in mind that a folding bike will ride a differently than a full size bike. The steering can be “squirley” due to it’s geometry and small tires. I suggest that you try to get a bike with the largest tires possible because of irregular pavement (especially in New York City).

Please, please convince her to wear a helmet.

Brompton might also be a good option. Bike Fridays are awesome and they ride more like a full-sized bike (I heart the Crusoe model), but not so good at tiny fast folding for subways and such (except, actually, a newer model called the Ticket, I think, which folds smaller).