Folding jewelers' loupe-- how is this thing supposed to attach to a lanyard?

I recently bought a pocket magnifying loupe for amateur rockhounding purposes. However, I am moderately confounded by the configuration of the folding cover. How is this thing supposed to hang from a lanyard? There is a loop which seems intended to serve as a point of attachment-- but it is opposite the hinge, so the loupe hangs open when worn unless the hinge screws are kept rigorously snug.

An image search shows that this arrangement is typical of such loupes. What gives? Is the loupe intended to be worn open, and the cover only used when stowed in a pocket, to protect the lens from keys and loose change? Or is there some other trick to it? I am clearly much clumsier than the average user of such a gadget, because I am easily capable of destroying the lens by smacking it into things while it dangles around my neck.

If the attachment point was at the hinged side the chain/lanyard would get in the way when it’s open.
I’m guessing yours is just loose if it falls open on it’s own. It should probably be snug enough to stay closed.

The couple of loupes I’ve seen like that sort of clicked softly into place inside the cover. I suppose you could use a small rubber band to keep it closed.

We always used B&L 10X and 20x even at undergound. It usually stayed close when carried around the neck but many don’t even bother to fold it. Some have the steel cover broken off and they’re carried with just the plastic lens holder.