I didn’t believe that you could make font humor, but I was wrong. So, for fans of fonts I present Font Conference.
Mailbox. Open Mailbox.
That was terrific! I was certain the dude with the clown suit was gonna be Comic Sans though.
(Anyone else think ‘Times New Roman’ seemed like a young, bald Dave Foley?)
They left out my favorite . . . Old Dreadful #7.
Oh, there are so many options to choose from. A bride as Nuptial Script, A European tuxedo clad Monaco, A policeman as Copperplate…
Holy crud, that was awesome!!
(heh, I put it into Arial Black)
And our own Lynn Bodoni could have made an appearance.
But how could they leave out a Hobo and an Orator?
Oh, typesetting humour. Yeah, yeah… been there, done that.
In this ad, the heavy metal band’s name is “Helvetica”.
Clever, no? But if you watch carefully at 0:14 and spot the band’s name on the bass drum, you’ll see it’s written with serifs!
I love The Fontys.
Let us take this time to honor the achievements of Cooper Black. To me, he’ll always be the Garfield font, but whether you know him as the Odd Couple font, the Pet Sounds font, or from any other of his appearances, there’s no denying he’s one of the hardest-working fonts in show biz, as this biography shows.
Rage Italic should be Mussolini, not Hitler. And shouldn’t Courier New be Courier’s daughter?
Mmm… chick from “Flagpole Sitta” all gothed out…