foolsguinea, get your worthless self down here.

White people don’t like Jews owning large parts of the U.S. financial and entertainment industries because they hate competition. Though I don’t think this distinction should generally be made. Should black people or Asians or whoever care about what weird categories white people dice themselves up into? Bunch of crazy crackers, all of them.

Performance art? Are Jews white people or not in this piece? Is the irony of making racist statements about white people intentional or not? Like all good art, this poses more questions than it answers.

Worst limerick I’ve ever read.

If this is not too much of a derailing of the thread: every time someone makes a statement about “the Jews this, the Whites think that, the Blacks whatever whatever, all women/men/gays yadda yadda”, I think we’d agree this is the cognitive distortion of overgeneralization.
My question: does an overgeneralization of this sort necessarily betray an underlying racism/sexism/whateverism?

Dear Jews Running Hollywood,

Please do not listen to this crazy person.


Only when white people do it because only white people can be racist/sexist/whateverist.

Most white people reject that concept, so practically speaking, no. But it can be hard for outsiders to understand. Like all the European racial wars, AKA white people killing other white people for not being up to their white cultural standards (aside from naked resource grabs, of course). Germans vs. the “sub-human” Slavs? WTF? You’re some of the whitest people on the planet. Get outta here.

You see something similar when white people look at Rwanda. “Tutsi? Hutu? Uhh, sure, good luck with that.”

It’s all in the perspective. If aliens showed up they’d be even more confused about humanity in general.

If white people can’t even call other white people crazy crackers anymore I want off the ride.

So, “Jews are traditionally big in entertainment because that’s all they were allowed to do” is okay, but “Jews control Hollywood” makes you Hitler. Got it.

Jews aren’t white people? I’m even more shocked by this than when I found out Hispanics weren’t white either.


Wait, what? I’m not white?

I’ve seen you and I gotta say: you are really, really white.

Also. . . Hey look! It’s Green Bean!

They are now, yes. If you’d asked a couple of generations ago you’d have gotten a different answer. The same goes for the Irish, Eastern Europeans, and (I think) Italians over time.

Hey, champ! Glad you could take a minute away from bashing women.

With regards to the “are Jews white?” side-conversation: The white Jews I know are the whitest people I know. I mean you might as well say the Irish aren’t white.

As for things having been different a long time ago, well, people were stupid a long time ago.

Apropos of very little, does liking this song make me a bigot?

Surprised the hell out of my 1/8 Mexican cousin when she went off to college at Vanderbilt, too.

LOL. I’m not SO white that I fade into the background. Yeah, okay, maybe a little.

I do have an interesting red spot on my arm where I biffed the sunscreen application at the beach on Sunday. :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s the same guy who argues that having a swastika tattoo is absolutely nothing to even mention, so… yeah. His views on antisemitism aren’t necessarily all that persuasive.

As for foolsguinea, I’ve been noticing him/her lately. Usually saying stuff that sounds like someone who is actually drunk. Check out the Redskins win! thread for examples of things that will just make you stare at your screen.

Hey moron, how ya been? Head still up your own ass I see.

Yeah. My husband’s Irish and I’m Jewish. We both have relatives who basically fry in the sun. We’ve also both got a lot of blue eyed and red haired relatives.

But control of the media and the secret world government is probably a reasonable tradeoff, right? :wink:

Don’t forget the Portuguese. I’ve actually met a couple of folks in 21rst century California that don’t think the Portuguese are white or are at best a highly qualified subgroup ( “well…they’re sorta white…I guess” ).