You know, when the QB casually flips the ball forward <5 yds to a running back. I call it a shuffle pass, my wife calls it a shovel pass, but neither of us can come up with a compelling argument one way of the other. What say the great Doper hive mind?
Shovel. My WAG (never thought about it before) is that the QB’s movement mimics using a shovel.
Shovel. It’s a similar motion to shoveling dirt.
Hey Munch, would that be a simulpost or same-ol’-post?
Shovel. While we’re at it, it’s hook and lateral, not hook and ladder.
I first learned about this play in the Seventies, when Roger Staubach often got the ball to guys like Preston Pearson that way. Used to drive us Giants fans nuts.
Definitely a shovel pass.
its shuffle pass and hook and ladder
Déjà vu even down to the asides.
Palm up when passing = shovel, like the tool
Palm down when passing = shuffle, like the throwing action in shuffleboard
I have no idea if this is true but I just wanted to point out the ridiculousness of using “it mimics shoveling dirt" as an argument
There’s a third one: shuttle pass. I call it a shovel pass, but experts (coaches, play-by-by guys, and analysts) use all three terms. Thus, all three terms are correct.
Wait…so it’s not called a scuttle pass?
So any term used by a coach, play-by-by guy, or analyst is necessarily correct?
By definition, yes.
Oh God I hope not - or we’ll have to accept that a receiver end-around is actually a reverse, or that a single reverse (one receiver on an end-around handing to another coming the other way) is actually a double reverse…
Or, perhaps worse, that it’s a good thing for a team to get “untracked”.
For all intensive purposes.
Huh? Is this a whoosh? Why is it ridiculous? The underhand flip is like a shovel shoveling dirt.
I’ve always known it as a shovel pass.
What’s a “yahoo search”?
Strangely, I think of it as shovel pass when it’s a qb to the running back right up the middle of the pocket, but shuffle if the offense is running the option (shuffle from side to side being similar to the qb and rb going side by side).
Yahoo was google before google came along.
Shovel pass.