And you make it sound like I’m a heal for wanting to watch a football game… five days after the events of Tuesday.
*And in response to your being a ‘captive audience’ to those only interested in football games and dismissive of what’s happened lately- Let me tell you, I’ve been a captive audience to groups of people that say that my life shouldn’t go on in any reasonable or normal fashion because a tragedy has taken place.
You’re tired of it? I’m tired of it.
I’m tired of the exact opposite that you are- I’m tired of those critical of me going about my life.
Listen, I wasn’t apart of world politics before Tuesday, and I’m not going to be apart of it after (As far as I know). What I do know, and know tomorrow, is that I’ll not affect the world in my actions alone.
It’s not only impossible right now, it’s not even considerable.
Others have that responsibility… let them deal with it.
What I lived for before, and will continue to live for tomorrow, is a feeling of responsibility to my family, my friends, and those that are counting on me.
Yelling at the television screen, going on TV or the radio to voice what I want to see happen because of this, accomplishes nothing… absolutely, positively, nothing.
In fact, for the first time in my life, I listen to the radio and TV and think, “Thank God that people with better reasoning are in charge of our destiny. I wish it were someone who could communicate better than GW, but that’s a whole 'nother matter.”
That, if anything, is what I’ve learned from this event- Some serious crackpots out there are willing to sink our country for the sake of revenge and idiocy.
But, to get back to your points-
My life didn’t change as a result of Tuesday’s events. My cat still looks to me for food, my plants still need watering, and my view outside the window is the exact same- all of it is the same, except for the knowledge that I have of what happened in New York. My heart and condolences go out to those affected by it.
But, regardless of your wishes, I’m not going to let it continue to cripple my life after four, five, seven, or fifteen days. The amount of time it took me to deal with it and begin to move forward might well be less than what it takes you. But I sure as hell didn’t come in to the pit and tell you to get over it already- you, in a converse kind of way, did.
Now, you’re saying, “Well I didn’t say anything about your responsibilities in life it was only a football bitch blah blah blah” and I’d say, “You’re right. You didn’t.”
But part of my life before this tragic incident included getting together with friends at the local bar watching a game together. That was, and I hope still is, a part of my weekly life. It’ll be a damn shame if that aspect of what I do, as insignificant as it might be to you, doesn’t continue for me, because it’s a part of me.
It’s one small way in which I define myself- I get together with friends, we shoot the shit, and we have a beer or two together. In the process, talk about things important to us. It can, and often does, run the gamut of topics- from babes to world politics to how much to invest in retirement- all of it is covered.
To you, an analogy might be your trip to the local coffeehouse, and getting together with your friends to talk about whatever it is you talk about.
How’d you like it if I came in here saying, “How dare you fucks go to the coffee house at a time like this!”. Or, “How dare you people go to the park and enjoy yourselves like that! That’s uncalled for! There’s a tragedy that took place!”
It’s all the same. Different places, different situations, different people.
How fucking dare you come in here and tell me that yours is the right attitude and mine isn’t.
It isn’t. Nobodies is… and nobody’s should be.
What you did before, or decide to do now, is completely your choice, as much as it’s my choice to do what I want to do, or that friend of yours at work.
Whatever it is, it’s important in our own way. And I can’t believe anyone has the balls to get in the way of that.
Just because it doesn’t fit into your model of what’s right and wrong, it certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t any less important, or right.