Football question.

Today, early on in the Cowboys/Saints game, the kicker was trying for the extra point. As he was kicking the ball, the guy running to his left and behind made a kiking motion with his foot. What the heck was that?
I know nuttin’ about football.
BTW; he made the point.

WAG: a ruse to draw the defense toward himself rather than to the actual kicker.


I would have like to see him make a kicking motion with his head, or even his hand.


Weird, because usually nobody is behind (farther away from the goal line than) the kicker. Everyone who’s not kicking is either holding the ball for the kicker, or up on the line blocking.

So I have no idea what the guy was doing; maybe he was blocking someone who came from way outside. And the kicking motion was just a random step. That’s all I got.

Early stage of some kind of psychosis?

I’ve tried to find a clip, but it seems the NFL isn’t into free peeks. I was at my computer on the kitchen table and the tv’s in the living room, so there’s room for error.