For God’s sake, let me explain

This is very worrisome for two reasons.

  1. You are overreacting to one bad doctor. I’m not even sure you could say this was a bad doctor.
  2. I did something similarly stupid with dentistry. I had a bad dentist when I was around 19 and avoided dentists for years, until my two front teeth broke in half. (No pain! It wasn’t an accident, but untreated cavities.) I ended up getting two root canals (one per tooth) and now I have a good relationship with a dentist. Now you have a problem but you are not seeking treatment. This is like someone who broke their leg, but rather than going to a doctor to seek treatment, they just limp around, moaning about how their leg is painful. It’s incredible irresponsible.

You can’t blame a crime on weight gain. People always want to blame someone or something else for their bad decisions.

You could have hurt someone.

Speak to a wide variety of people about this idea before trying anything. There are over seven billion people on this planet. To be blunt, people have already had this idea. If nobody is doing it, it’s probably because it didn’t work out, at least for most people.

Although I think 7 years is out of line from what the OP has reported, traffic cones are heavier than you’d think and although squishy are quite capable of breaking the glass in a vehicle, depending on the relative speeds. I’ve… acquired a number of them (they make great horse toys) and to keep them from being blown around by traffic the square base has something – I suspect steel shot but never checked – mixed in with the plastic.

To the OP:

You are not going to get the help you need on an internet message board.

You seem to have a lot of personal issues. You should seek counseling.

I don’t know what your business idea is. But you should be working with professionals to figure out if it’s as valuable as you think and, if so, how to make money from it.

Good luck.

You say “Internet Detective”, I say “We’ve all seen this MO many, many times before”.

There’s no harm, no. Egg on your face is not harm.

Oh cursed is thy life, when your internet piers think you gullible!

Oh quay, then.

Agreed! To just dismiss and ridicule someone based on an assumption discourages people with problems from being here. Unless I really feel it’s obvious, I will give a poster the benefit of the doubt, at least initially.

In MPSIMS? Knock yourself out. In BBQ? C’mon, that’s trolling 101.

It’s a real pair o’ docks.

Could be really bad advice, depending on the pills and the problems. I have to take a handful of pills each day, for various medical conditions. If I didn’t take them I’d be dead.

FWIW I reported it for a move to MPSIMS :slight_smile:

Do you think the OP is a buoy or a gull?

Precisely. If you threw a knife at someone and missed their head by 6 inches they certainly were not physically harmed but that’s only because either you (and they) got lucky, and/or your aim was off. That’s at best reckless behavior that is potentially fatal. Definitely worthy of jail time. Arguably the traffic cone is worse because if you just startled the driver enough to cause an accident you could be directly responsible for multiple fatalities.

Of course this is all academic since we can be pretty certain that the OP is a troll. Based on past behavior and just how over-the-top these posts are we are just talking about a theoretical situation that didn’t happen.

I think we’ve pooped up this thread too much for it to merit the move now. You’re not putting that silverware on the dining table at this point. :smiley:

I started looking at the OP’s previous posts. Either they have a problem or they’re a troll… or both!

Thank God you showed up and properly educated us about the importance of not stopping taking life saving pills. Otherwise a whole lot of us would have taken Jasmine’s advice and stopped, and died. I almost died until you came along and saved me.

No, but there should not be even a hint of shame in taking psychiatric medication. It makes some peoples lives measurably better and they’re not just solving symptoms in many cases, but actual problems in body chemistry. I have to take blood pressure medicine to manage my high blood pressure because my body is just built that way. No it’s not diet, it’s not exercise. When I was the most athletic and healthy, running 50-60 miles a week at 6/mi paces, eating a sensible diet and fit, my blood pressure was still in the 160/90 range. I needed medicine. Within a few doses, I was down to the 120/80 range. And you know what else? It eased my anxiety a bit.

I believe other people are similar with their brain chemistry and there shouldn’t be any more stigmatization associated with it than with me taking blood pressure meds. That, and I know some people that I believe would be dead today had they not sought the help they needed, both psychiatrically (for underlying biological conditions) and therapeutically.

Is there a tl;dr version? Does this explain the pain that we will soon see? It somehow involves a traffic cone?

It involves throwing a traffic cone into a moving car, which is a thing that people do, I guess. It begs the question of what was so egregious that it got 3.5 years, but won’t be discussed. The traffic cone got 7 years, but is presented as just a jolly lark. I mean what ARE people so upset about. I myself would be fine with a traffic cone suddenly flying through the window while I was driving.

The problem is that when you’re driving and you see a traffic cone, it’s indicating, “Hey, pay attention, driving is about to get a little more dangerous around here.” When it comes flying at your car at 35 MPH, that’s a real mixed signal.

Yep. By the time you see it, it’s already too late.