For Sale: Aircraft Carrier, One Owner, low mileage.

I don’t know about aircraft, but it may just be big enough for my SO to carry her bags and shoes…

Just tell 'em you lost it in a boating accident?

Think of it as the world’s biggest purse.

Well you never specifically said I *couldn`t* buy an aircraft carrier

If nothing else you would win the yaht wars.

Mine may not be the bigest but I can sink the crap out of yours.

Doesn’t that just figure? You buy an aircraft carrier at full price and the next week it goes on sale.

Ah, fair enough!

You’ll never need a bigger boat.

A used aircraft carrier? Puhleeease! You’re just buying some other navy’s problem.

I wonder if I could take it for a test drive. I’ll leave my drivers license with them.

I liked how the site had an “add to cart” button on it. As if you were going to add it, then go do some more shopping before checking out.

It also just occurred to me that shipping costs are going to be a bitch. “I’m going to need someone to sign for a package for Mr. Fugazi.”

You better show me the CarrierFax!

Plus I’m gonna need to see it launch an airstrike. What good is a carrier that can’t launch an airstrike?

I think a weekend cruise to the Libyan coast sounds just about perfect for a test ride.

Pull up the boarding ramps and the zombie apocalypse is not even remotely a problem.

And I am sure that any cult members on-board are likely to listen to Reason.

Massive Poop deck = no more septic tank worries.

Yeah, but it’s amazing how fast it fills up with seamen.