In this thread, I mention the importance of leaving one’s porch light on when ordering a pizza for delivery, especially at night. I will now re-hash that concept in excruciating detail.
I deliver pizza for a major national chain (rhymes with “Bomindoes”). My delivery area is about 60% high-end real estate (by central Illinois standards, anyway), about 30% ordinary middle-class homes, and about 10% low-rent apartments. It’s that 30% that inspires this thread.
As a pizza delivery driver, I am quite open to robbery. Fortunately, only once has a driver from my store been robbed in the 12-or-so years it’s been open. But there’s always going to be a second time.
My odds of being robbed are greatly decreased when I’m in a well-lit area. When I’m standing there on your porch and it’s pitch-dark, I am wide open for a robbery. Some punk-ass kid may be hiding in your bushes, waiting to pounce. If you have your porch light on, that punk-ass kid is greatly discouraged. Yes, I know that this is the west side of town. I know that the west side of town has nicer homes and less crime. But I don’t care. I don’t enjoy standing around in pitch darkness any more than you do.
Each pizza I deliver to you has a label on it, indicating the address, the price of the pizza, etc. I cannot read that price to you if I’m standing there in the darkness.
And, most importantly, leaving your porch light on helps me find your house that much faster. If your address is 2316 Rastahomie Road, and nobody on your block has their porch light on (which is often the case), I basically have to go to the 2300 block and then try to guess which one is yours. This problem is multiplied when you don’t have house numbers.
And finally, I am sick of the hateful looks and exasperated sighs I get from some of you (not all of you) when I ask you to turn your porch light on. You may be surprised to know that, in accordance with company policy, I have every right not to deliver to your house if the porch light isn’t on. I could march right back to the store, your pizza and hand, and my boss could call you and tell you to come get it yourself. Company policy. Please, extend me a little courtesy, will ya?
Please, dear people. Help a guy out. Porch lights cost $1.50, tops, at Wal~Mart. Use them.
Your humble pizza guy.