For the love of God, don't say zesty!

Uh … “good authority”? Name names, damn you! :smiley:

Diane To damn funny. I now want children so I can torment them!!!

to funny.


My thoughts on Regis Felchbin

This was the first thread I ever started. ::wipes away a tear:: Oh, the memories…

It worked!

Diane, what the heck is Curly Ladder day?

The “Zesty” commercial is one of only two commercials (the other being the Carl’s Jr. “SLUUUUURPCRUNCHCRUNCH” commercials) where I will instinctively change the channel whenever the commercial comes on. They don’t deserve any of my time. Those commercials also have convinced me to stay away from the restaurant chains that they are advertising, (even if they had the best damn food in the world) just so that I won’t be encouraging these awful, vomit-inducing commercials.

My roommates will not stop saying “It wasn’t me.” From that Shaggy song. ACK!

Or the new Taco Bell commercial (I think it’s Taco Bell–it’s certainly stupid enough to be one) where it rips off “Queen.” Three guys thudding their elbows, very apelike, on their table saying, “We will, we will…” then the camera pans to a woman who says, “Stop saying that.” At the end of the commercial two guys say to the guy in the middle, “You have cheese on your face.” “You’re a big disgrace.” I think the last line sums up my feelings for the makers of that commercial.


Diane, can I be like you when I grow up? My kids are at the age of harrassing me right now, and I can’t wait until they are old enough to harrass!

Regis isn’t so bad. Sure he’s corny and annoying sometimes, but the show rocks! Don’t rip on Millionaire. Sure, its not Jeapordy…but come on, Jeapordy’s easier in that you don’t die if you miss one question. In Millionaire, you die the minute you lose one. That’s probably why they give 3 lifelines. Though personally we always make fun of Regis for misprouncing things. And when a contestant misses a particularly easy question, its always, “Gosh, even REGIS knew that one.”

Curly Ladder Day is how us hicks in Utah pronounce Career Ladder Day at the school.

Kricket - Hell yes! Just keep telling yourself that one day you will be able to pay your kids back for every little annoyance. It is SOOOOOOO worth the wait!

You know, I didn’t think Taco Bell could top the Zesty commercial, but they went and did it. The Stupid Fucking We Will Rock You Commercial, as it will heretofore be referred to, is an ever greater abomination. I think the most annoying part is when the girl says Stop doing that in a sing-song fashion. It’s screeching chalk, a splinter up my fingernail, a hair up my ass!

I’ve been trying for years to get my preschool kids to say “Montessori, wrong number!” whenever a phone rings. I’m sure this makes me a bad person in the eyes of their teachers. :smiley: