Might something from the old pass-around-the-gang Xerox copies be one?
Toilet wall graffiti?
Might something from the old pass-around-the-gang Xerox copies be one?
Toilet wall graffiti?
In the 80s, used to get this one faxed and also xeroxed and posted in break room:
“If it’s twilite or dark and someone is driving without their lights on, DON’T FLASH YOUR LIGHTS! That’s a gang initiation and you WILL BE SHOT!”
No need to debunk me! I’m just answering the OP
“Kilroy was here” was very popular during World War II and the decades after. Soldiers drew the character and the words everywhere they went. Is that the kind of thing you’re looking for?
this isn’t exactly a meme-but it’s a relic of the old days:
The chain letter.
(For those who don’t know: it was a stupid letter mailed to you anonymously, saying “this chain remains unbroken. Make 5 copies of this letter, mail it to 5 friends, and it will bring good luck to all of us.If you don’t do so, you’ll be the person responsible for breaking the chain, and you will suffer bad luck.”)
"Frodo Lives!" was a big one.
Works for me. Good example, too.
Unknown to me. Mind a thumbnail sketch of it?
Here you go.
The first person to call out “Woody!” when seeing a wood-paneled vehicle on the road would win. I’m still not sure what the prize was, though.
Padiddle was a similar game.
You’ve helped me remember a kid’s thing that probably doesn’t pass the “meme” test (whatever that might be):
The deal was that you would make the OK sign with your fingers and place it below the belt somewhere (knee was the most popular spot) and if you caught somebody looking at it, you were free to perform an act of choice (usually the Slug-bug option or – in the case of an attractive opposite sex object – a surreptitious smooch (or worse)). It had a name that I don’t recall but it was a big deal in 1950’s Alabama high school environs.
Anybody know what I’m even talking about?
“I read it for the articles.”
Play Freebird!!!
Is that a meme? I really don’t know what a meme is.
“To play toilet tennis look left.”
Works for this thread – for me anyway.
A ton of stuff that you just heard on the schoolyard are memes like double-dutch rhymes. Also urban legends. I have no idea how these things get circulated.