for the dont even try with this one

ok girls, when your dating someone, what do you like for the man to do for you? Flowers, dinners, watch TV or movies together? Phone calls? and after you are with someone for awhile what usually stops? is it the things you like the most ot things that doesnt matter?

Me?? an asshole?? You better believe it!

Heather Lee

I love being treated tenderly, receiving flowers, having the door held open for me, being held and cuddled and just generally being spoiled.

My SO has been really good about continuing all of these things without having to be reminded. But he did tell me that if he starts getting lazy I’m suppose to slap him aside the head and remind him.

They’re not Hot Flashes,
They’re Power Surges!

Honesty, equal conversation, and common courtesy. The rest, while nice, are just frills.

Satan, you better check this one out. Seems like your woman is about to venture into the realms of adultry…


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

That, or she’s not getting enough of his sweet lovin’…
…but nah, I think she’s just looking for a guy she can fuck up the ass. :wink:

And I wonder when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real forever,
If anything could ever be this good again.

–Foo Fighters

No, Coldfire… Heather gets mad at me when I promise to call but something comes up - like I fall asleep, or a friend comes over and stays too late where I don’t want to call her so late - and she is worrying that I am losing interest.

I am not. I love her with all my heart, and ultimately, rarely a day goes by where we do not chat and/or talk to each other.

Yer pal,

  1. Honesty.
  2. a sense of humor.
  3. communication.
  4. spoil me just a little.
  5. lots of sex.
  6. Be a true friend.

If I do my part right, none of these should go away, but the first three are the most important.

“But you’re a man! You’re not supposed to post on this thread!”

Oh. Well. My. Bad. :wink:

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Oh yeah. Number 6 is very important too.

Come to think of it, so is the lotsa sex part. And being spoiled is always nice

Oh well. Back to the ladies.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

you are pretty much right on the ball with that one. any relationship your in your woman must be very happy! keep it up!

Me?? an asshole?? You better believe it!

Heather Lee

Yeah, I bet all the women in relationships with you would be really upset if you didn’t keep it up…


And I wonder when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real forever,
If anything could ever be this good again.

–Foo Fighters

Drain Bead
OUCH you slammed him on that one.
oh yeah…BTW I found a great guy I can fuck up the ass any time I want :slight_smile: woohooo for me!

Me?? an asshole?? You better believe it!

Heather Lee

Well, I’d be the one who’d be really upset if I couldn’t keep it up.

As far as the lady goes, I can improvise. wink, wink. Nudge nudge.

< ahem > right. Back to the ladies.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

A sense of humor

I don’t have a lot of specific things I demand from the guys I date. For me, if the communication and/or affection taper off, I have a problem with that. I don’t just mean the sex, either. I’m talking about hand-holding, cuddling, kissing hello and goodbye and in-between, things like that. I dated a guy that just wasn’t affectionate at all and it just drove me batty.

On the other hand, I also dated a guy that was all over me constantly, but he never really wanted to TALK. He’d tell me I was beautiful and that he loved me, or that his friends were jealous of his girlfriend, but I couldn’t pry a real conversation ABOUT anything out of him.

So I guess I’m saying I need a decent amount of both.

How timely… the following appeared in my emailbox earlier this afternoon:

What I Want In A Man, Original List

  1. Handsome
  2. Charming
  3. Financially Successful
  4. A Caring Listener
  5. Witty
  6. In Good Shape
  7. Dresses with Style
  8. Appreciates the Finer Things
  9. Full of Thoughtful Surprises
  10. An Imaginative, Romantic Lover

What I Want In A Man, Revised List

  1. Not too ugly
  2. Doesn’t belch or scratch in public
  3. Works steady
  4. Doesn’t nod off while I’m emoting
  5. Usually remembers the punchlines of jokes
  6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
  7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh
  8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
  9. Remembers to put the toilet seat lid down
  10. Shaves on weekends

“ChrisCTP-…the sweetheart of the SDMB…” --Diane
Chris’ Homepage: Domestic Bliss

I can do both lists, except shaving on weekends.

I feel that I should mention that the guy I dated that wasn’t affectionate was a GREAT conversationalist, and that he and I are still good friends. The relationship just didn’t work.

Well,I’ll try to remember.It’s been awhile. Calling is very important. If he’s interested,he’ll call. This guy used to call me at 11 p.m. and we’d talk til 5 a.m.He was a night owl. Showing up when you say you will works too. Honesty,faithfulness,having a car!

Says heatherlee–
“…any relationship your in your woman must be very happy!”

Hell, anytime you’re in your woman must be very happy.
For that matter, you have a very happy “relationship” anytime you’re in any woman!!

Fruedian typos and mis-placed modifiers. You gotta love 'em!

I like a man who is oblivious to my flaws–then I can be oblivious to his.