Foreclosure auction speed in Chicago?

To make a long story short, a foreclosure judgment was just entered against my upstairs neighbor on April 26. Does anyone have recent information regarding what the timing might be for a foreclosure sale, his departure, etc.? I have an inquiry in to the Cook County Circuit Court Clerk, but who knows how long they will take to respond…and this is of interest because he had recently actually been paying his condo assessments, and who knows who will cover his share if he moves out? I’m not optimistic that the bank will, and who knows who will buy the darn place at auction. And it’s a small building, so building expenses are likely to fall on the rest of us, so I’d kind of like to know what the deal is.

This just happened in my building. The owners were renting it out, so they had no real incentive to drag out the process. I’d say it was about six months from notice to auction. And your association can legally require six months of back assessments from the new owner. A real estate attorney could find out more about the auction and who ends up buying. If you’re concerned about the property being bought just to rent, start amending your rules now.

The guy I asked at the court clerk’s office was an idiot and didn’t understand my question at first, but then said 333 days; not sure whether that means from judgment to auction, or to eviction, or what.

On the bright side, I work in a law firm, and a real estate attorney sits 2 doors down from me - the association actually hired him to get the neighbor to cough up assessments (it eventually worked, and he has actually been paying since he was given notice that he was still legally required to). I didn’t want to bug him, but maybe I will.

I don’t know how much I care whether someone buys the unit to rent out, but I suspect the other residents will have opinions. Any other thoughts we should bounce around?