Foreign country snack care packages

There’s a foreign snack trading thing on Reddit–

I’ve never done the snack exchange, but I’ve done their Secret Santa for 4 years, and that’s always fun.

As an aside, I live fairly close to a huge international grocery (Jungle Jim’s in Cincinnati) so if anyone has a yen, let me know and I could fix up a package for you. I’m always looking for an excuse to go there. :slight_smile:

I thought I’d check in as a data point and mentioned I’ve got one of the Try the World packets a few weeks ago and received a shipping notice for the next one. They’re ok so far, mostly chocolate and crackers from Belgium and England. Think I’m still going to spring for the Umai crate for the Japanese noodles alone.

But I wasn’t ripped off.

I bought a subscription for a friend’s birthday last year, he loved it.

Of course they have their heads. You can’t sell live chickens–the freshest kind–if you cut off the heads.