Foreign dopers: can you stand these boards right now?

Skim forum topics and GTFO.

It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion: disturbing, yet one can’t look away.

Canadians tend to be aware of US politics anyways, if for no other reason than self-preservation. It helps to have a bit of advance warning of which way the beast is going to roll, even if it means we have to watch every twitch and grunt.

Half the threads I see, I simply don’t open - one quarter, I close soon after realising that, although the title didn’t say so, it’s just more bloody obamapalinmccain. I don’t venture into GD much at all.

That’s how I stand it, but it’s not getting better.

I find it delightfully quaint what goes on in the colonies now they have self rule. :smiley:

I can’t wait for the election to be over. Not because I’m tired of all the bollocks, but because whatever the result one side is gonna be flipping the fuck out. I find people throwing a wobbly to be quite entertaining.

Actually, I think it will be both sides flipping out. :smiley:

Yeah, but a good ol’ wobbly is fuelled by rage.

Well, that was pretty condescending. Soundest banking system in the world here, thank you very much. {snaps a Zed and flounces out of the thread}

I just ignore them.

My thoughts exactly. And I don’t think it’s going to get any better after the Election, either… there’s going to be years of “What could (loser) have done to win?/What if (winner) did something different at (critical point in campaign)/What if (loser) had won?” threads.


I’ve always found some of the European politics interesting…admittedly, I don’t pay close attention, but there always seems to be headlines like “Lapels Narrower This Spring; PM Collapses Government”. Sometimes I wish we could have that sort of thrilling see-saw government stuff going on, but it would be a tad frightening, as well.

Sorry if we seem silly in our attempts to self-govern. :o FWIW, I’m damn well ready for this thing to be over with and start cleaning up the goo from all the exploding heads.

Actually I think I’ve rather become addicted to US politics. I’m now checking out fivethirtyeight, electoralvote and 270towin daily, and spending more time than is really healthy reading the SDMB threads on McBama. Well, better this than drugs.

(Lights up a spliff)

Oh, wait…

Wait…the big jokes were that Canada doesn’t have as many people as in the US, and that Dion has a French accent? Very mediocre effort from TDS!

I’m sick of all the political threads too, and we need a dedicated forum so I can ignore it! Like someone said upthread, I used to get a few hours of reading from these boards… now it seems I run out of interesting material since so much of it is the repetitive American politics.

I’d like a politics thread so that most of the Threads I’m Not Interested In will be located in one, easy to ignore location, but that seems to be the major objection from TPTB…

I don’t see how you could have a separate politics forum. Politics by its very nature affects everything, and everything affects it. Who decides which issues are “political”, and when?

Oh my God … he’s back! Of course, now that you’ve identified yourself, Sunspace, western Canadians will fear and revile you, while eastern Canadians will welcome you as the second coming of Christ. Watch yourself! :wink:

How do I stand it? I ignore the US political threads. It doesn’t take as long to read the board, that’s for sure.

For those not in the know: Pierre Elliot Trudeau, one of Canada’s most inflential Prime Ministers, once said to the Press Club in Washington DC, “Living next to you [the US] is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.” (Speech to the Press Club of Washington DC, March 25, 1969.)

I hope Sam Bee and Jeffrey Jones rolled their eyes condescendingly, or at least didn’t contribute to the bit.

Americans don’t like France! hur-hur-hur, the joke so funny they’ve used it forty or fifty times this year. The involvement of Canada was practically an afterthought. If there was humour to be found in the bit, it could’ve been Stewart mock-chucking over the ridiculously abbreviated Canadian election schedule. “Six weeks! We take that long getting to know our Vice Presidents!”

I don’t remember anything after going for a walk in that blizzard* until I found myself in this little apartment, listening to this strange music, in front of this keyboard and screen. What’s going on?

I half-remembered the quote, but I didn’t remember who said it, and I certainly didn’t remember it that exactly. This is eerie.

[sub]*Pierre Trudeau stepped down from power in I think 1984 after going for a walk in a snowstorm to think things over. In the late sixties, he was the justice minister who said, “The State has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.” When he became leader of the Liberal party, there was “Trudeaumania”. People threw themselves at his feet. Smart, charismatic, rich. Think of some of the reactions to Obama these days.[/sub]

I’d love to see Americans freak out if Obama had a “Just watch me” moment.
And above, I meant to say Jason Jones.

Yes, but TPTB stated quite clearly about a year or so ago that if we added just one more forum to the boards, they’d implode under their own weight, never to be recovered again. Absolutely impossible for us to create an “extra” forum for such a “specialized” topic, because the boards couldn’t take it.