Foreign Porn

Lots of shouting I am Canadian!at crucial moments.

In Lima, Peru, there is a Museum of Inca History. And the most popular exhibit in that museum is the Sala Erotica. Pornographic pottery. The Incas were master potters and scupltors and the stuff they came up with was breathtaking. Orgies, two men, two women, oral, anal, couples, huge phalluses, drinking gourds shaped like body parts, diseased body parts, masturbating skeletons…our guide said it was meant to be educational in an era before textbooks existed. Nah. It was porn. Meso-American pre-conquest porn.

Japanese pornography is pretty much the only game in town throughout Asia.

Max Hardcore makes porn that features young, thin girls who are typically dressed up to look like schoolgirls or similarly incongruously young attire. They usually have badly applied makeup that gets badly smeared and streaked during the sex. All of this vaguely resembles a young girl playing dress up. His actresses are almost always unknowns who presumably are making one of their first movies. They tend to be 18 or 19 years old, a very skinny to the point where many people draw the conclusion that they are drug abusers. Many probably are, many probably are not. Max seems pretty indifferent to which ever is the case.

He never hits or injures them. There’s a heavy, heavy dose of degradation. He treats them like clueless toys who are fit to be used any way he sees fit. He often grabs them and poses them in ridiculous poses and calls them names.

The sex is very filthy. Lots of anal, pissing, gagging, choking and sometimes slapping and spanking. The girls are usually left exhausted, soaked with spit, piss, cum, tears and sometimes vomit. It’s unsettling.

However, most of these girls are playing to the role. Many have progressed to more mainstream porn after Max. Few remember the experience fondly I assume, but none say they weren’t fully aware of what was to come. In contrast I’m sure quite a few are reasonably traumatized by the experience and give up porn afterwards. Several make many return appearances and a few are regulars that seem to take the role of dominant along with him.

I have no doubt Max is a horrible human being. I have no doubt that many of the girls regret their decision to film with him. I’m sure some have walked out in the middle of the show and I’m sure Max has crossed some of the girls agreed upon boundaries. I’m sure many of the girls agree to it because they are desperate and I’m sure many use drugs to lessen the discomfort of the experience. That said, I’m sure many use drugs because they really enjoy it and get off on the sex they are having. Whatever you make it out to be, it’s not anything approaching rape. There might be a lot of bad things happening here, but rape isn’t one of them nor is assault.

In any case, I think it’s unreasonable to associate this crap with any “American” fetish. It’s niche stuff that only became well known as a result of the law suits and outrage. Had these people left it alone it probably would have withered away and stayed hidden under a rock.

It’s all educational.


also, a mindboggling amount of homemade user content in the indian community. mindboggling.

I had understood that the censorship laws date back to the American occupation, but Japanese tentacle porn goes back at least two centuries (see The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife; link shortened for the two-click rule).

There seems to be a great deal of porn where the actors and actresses never say a word. The only sounds are groans and moans. Even when the scene starts before the sex – perhaps one walks in on another in the bedroom or something similar, they never say a word.

I suspect this has something to do with the international porn market. Presumably, porn that uses one particular language may be more valuable in market where that language is spoken, but less valuable everywhere else.

I know of the painting, but there’s a difference between one artist doing something once, and something being a popular genre (besides, TDotFW is not “really” tentacle porn - the squid is doing cunnilingus, rather than the… errr… tentaclodomy ? that is the norm in hentai).
The honest to goodness wave of tentacle hentai started in the early 90s, spearheaded by oeuvres like *Urotsukidoji *and La Blue Girl.

The only Thai stuff I’ve seen has been made by American sex tourists. Is it all homemade stuff or is it properly produced? I’m familiar with some homemade stuff from China and Korea as well.

I should have been more clear in my previous statement, I guess. I meant that Japan was the only Asian country I know of where there’s a legal porn industry. Interestingly, I think the popularity of Japanese porn in China has a lot to do with the ease with which you can get your hands on it here. It’s the Chinese putting up torrents of JAV, not the Japanese.

Well in Canadian porn they call the actresses hoserbeasts.

Major director and actor Brandon Iron is Canadian and quite proud of it. Fantastic guy, too, a real pro who is well respected across the board.

I like the occasional porn flick. My ex and I enjoyed renting them and watching them - well, five or ten minutes of them :slight_smile: Anyway, we liked porn where the actors seemed to be “in the moment” - laughing, talking to each other, etc. There are signs of arousal as well - chest flushes in women, for example. You know, just folks having fun, or faking it well enough that we don’t know the difference. It’s hard to find that.

What I hate in porn:[ol]
[li]people hurting and degrading others, whether they’re pretending or not[/li][li]dressing up the women to appear like underage girls (pigtails, etc)[/li][li]20 minutes of constant, monotonous moaning[/li][li]20 minutes of constant, over-the-top screaming[/li][li]women peeing and claiming they’re ‘squirting’[/li][li]the Wilhelm Scream of porn: yeahyeahyeahYEAHYEAH! Always five “yeah’s”, I don’t know why.[/li][/ol]
I haven’t seen a lot of foreign porn, but I’ve seen some German, Italian, and French stuff. What I have seen frequently had hairy ugly guys, hairy unattractive women, and it sometimes veered off into odd directions (“Is he gonna put his whole fist up - ohmygod, now she’s peeing!”) Maybe I just saw the wrong stuff, but that’s what I saw.

[quote=“Face_Intentionally_Left_Blank, post:73, topic:610725”]

[li]the Wilhelm Scream of porn: yeahyeahyeahYEAHYEAH! Always five “yeah’s”, I don’t know why.[/li][/QUOTE]

That’s hilarious.
Russian porn seems to be quite hardcore. Similar to Max Hardcore.

Brazilian porn is very anal-sex focused. Also they like to zoom in a lot, which I hate.

Japanese porn is completely different. The girls are non-shaved and very passive. The guys have tiny penises, and not just by porn standards, but still the girls often scream instead of moan. Also, there is often a lot of weird stuff going on, that doesn’t necessarily seem particularly sex-related.

Regarding European porn, I don’t really know what is European and what is American. Seems quite similar.

What is it with the Germans and Fisting? Fistgeiler Drecksau!@Fistenfest

Heh. Back in the '90s, HBO had a series called “Hardcore TV”, and during the show they once ran a fake commercial for a “Porno Bloopers” videotape. My favorite “blooper” showed a naked woman riding a guy “cowgirl” style, and she was bouncing up and down on him yelling, “Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!” Then she stopped, threw up her hands in exasperation and asked, “What’s my next line?” At which point a short, dumpy-looking woman with a clipboard and a Brooklyn accent leaned in close and said, “Fuck me harder.”

No kidding, that is one of the most annoying things I see in modern porn, at least the Internet variety. Guy pulls out, the girl kneels in front of him with her mouth open, and then we get five minutes of the guy stroking himself before an incredibly weak money shot.

That, and blowjobs that just go on and on and on and on and on…

I love, love, love beautiful Japanese women, but I’ve resigned myself to just looking at still photographs of them. Their “male-female consensual straight sex” porn is some of the most boring stuff I’ve ever seen in my life. I also like the participants in a sex scene to look at each other, so I find the standard practice of the girl in Jporn lying there passively with her head turned to one side with her eyes closed and making that “ee-ee-ee” noise very unappealing.

Actually, the “looking at each other” thing is also the reason I don’t like porn from any source where the actors have their eyes closed most of the time. There’s this apparent misconception that “eyes closed” looks more “passionate” or something; in reality it just makes the actors look disconnected from their actions. Though the misconception seems to be mainly a female thing, judging by the number of videos I’ve seen where the male actor keeps instructing his partner to “open your eyes” and “look at me”.

I like Russian/Ukrainian/former-USSR porn. Much of it seems to take its cue from American porn, stylistically, but I just find the actresses more appealing. They look more “natural” and less “skanky”.

No, there’s some properly produced stuff. Um, or so I’ve heard.

This is absurd. There is tons of Chinese and Thai porn.

Terrible idea. Who wants s stiry in their porn. Get straight to it so I don’t have to ff. porn with a storyline is a waste of time :smack:

First you say he doesn’t hit them then you say he slaps them. Later you claim he oesn’t assault any girls. I think you should slap the next cop you see and see if he/she considers it assault