Foreign Porn

I wouldn’t compare what Max Hardcore does with MMA. More like a guy organizing bumfights in his backyard, with a crispy new 50 dollar bill for the winner. He’s reportedly sent some of the women he’s worked with (or rather, on) to the hospital. In the octagon, they stop when someone’s injured.

No one is saying he is a great guy. (well actually at the time I did read that from people in the business but I don’t know that for certain) But he was jailed for obscenity not assault. I don’t like his stuff but I don’t like obscenity laws. What he did looked a lot less painful than some BDSM stuff on the Internet. He was just a bigger name.

How real is Japanese humiliation porn? It seems like on sites like xHamster, every instance of Japanese porn is some public humiliation. They would film in stores, on buses, subways, and in the middle of the street. Is Japan full of instances where you can casually walk in on a porn shoot? Some of the stuff I’ve seen, like guys randomly pulling up the skirts of girls, seems too real to be fake.

It involves chasing beavers.

(SFW video)

Why do Canadians do it doggy-style?
So they can both watch the game.

You poor fool!

They go to a curling match.

From all the joking, I take it that there are no well-known Canadian porn stereotypes.

The Canadians always say “please” beforehand and “thank you” afterwards.

You know what I wish to happen to Max Hardcore? I wish he’d go out of business for lack of customers. Yeah, he’s loathsome, but he’s a symptom, not the cause. If he were to go to jail or die or whatever, as long as the customers are still there, someone else would take his place.

OK, I’m really hesitant to ask but just what exactly did Max Hardcore do to spark this hatred. I remember seeing a photo of him several years ago and I thought he looked like a particularly ugly albino lizard. From then on, I had no interest in any of his movies.

Did he really tape himself beating and raping girls? If so, why wasn’t he ever charged with assault and/or rape? Surely somebody must have tried to press charges. Or did they all sign release forms agreeing to such abuse? But would those contracts actually absolve him if actually put a girl in the hospital?

I’ve seen a few BDSM videos starring Bobbi Star and Christina Rose who genuinely seemed to get off on the rough stuff and, if that’s the case, I have no problem with it. But I’d hate to think what kind of damage this would do to somebody who was forced against their will.

Oh my God. No, Max Hardcore DID NOT force anyone to do anything. He was not jailed for rape or assault. He was jailed on “obscenity” charges. He was convicted under reprehensible and anti-free-speech laws, by puritanical prudes, the same type of people who vote for Rick Santorum and want to outlaw birth control. He did absolutely nothing wrong, and the women who work with him all knew exactly what they were getting into, and they signed the contracts and took the money. He is completely innocent of all of the charges against him, legal and extra-legal (“he’s a rapist!”).

No kidding. When I was young, porn films had a certain weird moral code: By the end of the movie, the good people would be having sex, and the bad people would be sleeping alone.

Somewhere in the 1990s, it seemed as though every porn director was going for a film-noir aesthetic: dark and grim stories, about depressed and depressing people, who treat each other like dirt, and then suddenly start shagging, more as an act of aggression than of affection.

I am not that fond of film noir in mainstream movies, and I really hate it in porn.

" [Max Hardcore] is completely innocent of all of the charges against him, legal and extra-legal (“he’s a rapist!”).
He’s certainly guilty of the charge of being a loathesome human being involved in loathesome, human spirit-anniliating practices. And for that that alone I would gladly see him spend some jail time.
Obsenity laws are difficult laws to draft and administer fairly but those who rail against them most vociferiously are often nihilistic types or are engaged in the very same sordid practices the laws are meant to prevent.

Debates about Max Hardcore aside, I’m more interested in foreign porn.

What about places where porn is heavily taboo? Like Mormons, middle easterners, Chinese? I’m curious as to what these kind of folks like.

Anecdote: for my bachelor party, my friends and I went to a really good strip club. There were a group of Sikhs in the audience and the whole time during the dances they were making :eek: faces- it was as if they had never seen a naked woman before! It got me thinking about sex and nudity regarding other cultures in general.

Or you’ve read about, or personally experienced, a time when censorship prevented most forms of porn and you know what a repressive effect that can have on a culture. Hayes Code times were not good for movies.

Plus, accusing anyone who objects to censorship of “engaging in the very same sordid practices the laws are meant to prevent” is a cheap and sleazy bit of ad hominem. Granted, it’s probably at the back of the mind of many who support censorship, along with a lot of other unwholesome stuff. But Argent Towers is factually correct about Max Hardcore … he was convicted on obscenity, not for the disgusting (IMHO, I’ve not seen them but have read other descriptions of them) contents of his films. ANYONE who makes porn can be convicted of obscenity, it’s a very dangerous charge.

As for foreign porn, there really is tentacle sex in Japanese hentai, I’ve seen it. I think the Japanese should lay off the sushi!

It exists for the same reason bukkake does, to skirt around “you can’t show an uncensored penis” laws. Tentacles can act like a penis, but aren’t one, so they’re kosher. Plus they mesh will with bondage, which as I understand is a whole *thing *over there.

Not unless they have fins and scales they’re not! :smiley:

That is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen posted here. Quite an accomplishment. Congratulations. If you knew me you would understand how stupid that statement is. I believe strongly in tough laws and their enforcement. I also believe that obscenity laws have nothing to do with the law. They have to do with one group of people imposing their version of morality on others. I don’t feel I should impose my morality on others and I don’t trust you or others to do it either. And I also happen to be a big fan of the 1st Amendment.

Ah, well, our Jewish friends will be glad to know there’s also an entire subset of Japanese porn dedicated to shoving fish, snakes, newts, lizards, eels, worms etc… up there. Sort of a reverse gefilte fisch, if you will.

Maybe glad is not the right word. Fascinatingly horrified, maybe ?

Some weird combination of lust, disgust and schadenfreude. Not necessarily in that order.