forging bill of sale? what should i do?

ok so here is the story. i bought a car 2 months ago or so and me and the seller forgot/did not sign a bill of sale. anyway i needed the bill of sale to transfer the car to my name. cus the car has a salvage title… anyway i called him and he said i could put his sig on the bill of sale. i said ok. but re thought it so i called him and now i can’t get in touch with him! is it ok to forge the bill of sale with his permission? what should i do? should i tell the dmv that i cant get it? sue him? what do you think?

Telling the truth is always the best practice; although it may prevent you from doing what you want it can ensure that you remain a lawful citizen.

I cannot in good conscience advise you to commit forgery, but I honestly believe that the clerk at the DMV is not likely to go all Columbo on your paperwork.

Legal question? Moved from General Questions to IMHO.

samclem, moderator

IANAL, but I think that anybody who said “That’s fine” would technically be saying “it’s okay to commit a felony”, however exceptional the circumstances might be. Probably better to just “trust your feelings, Luke”.

Signing a bill of sale on behalf of someone who authorized you to should not be a problem IMHO, IANAL, etc.

He had the right to issue a bill of sale.
You bought the item.
He agreed that he should give you a bill of sale.
He agreed that you could write it up and sign it on his behalf.

The question is whether you should:

(a) fake his signature (probably not good), or
(b) pretend it’s his signature (handwrite his name and sign yours underneath, it might look like he signed it unless someone investigates closely but all you are doing is endorsing that you signed on behalf of him) , or
© write “signed on behalf of Joe Schmoe, by Iron Nic.” and answer 500 questions, maybe get the BoS rejected.

I don’t see (b) as illegal or dishonest as long as you don’t scribble his name so it looks like you faked a signature.

(There’s always (d), a variation on (b) where your signature is so illegible people think it’s his…)

There was a thread about signing for someone else. You should mark it as being signed for someone else. I don’t think it could possibly be considered a crime if you indicate it’s you signing for another person, but the DMV may not accept it.

But my big question is why don’t you write up a bill of sale and take it to the guy to sign?