My beloved wife has stored some Crucial Information (work-related) in a Word Document and password-protected it. Then she forgot the password she had chosen…
The question is this - Is there any way to access that document now?
Microsoft’s support site said “No”, but I was hoping one of the Great Brains amongst you might know of some Clever Trick that would help my beloved out of her pickle…
Is it a large amount of information that she needs (like a couple of pages or more)? I can probably tell you how but it’ll be a bit tedious. If your interested let me know and I’ll e-mail you on how to do it or if you have AOL you can IM me and I can probably talk you through it.
Hey grimpixie these programs look a bit easier than the way I just e-mailed you telling you how to do it. I’d try one of those ways first and if that doesn’t work try the way I told you in the e-mail.
The one I posted will let you crack passwords upto 5chr in length the one tc posted will work up to 4chr. Any more than that and you may have to go for the Amazing Tiki God way round.