FORMER Wisconsin hospital employee deliberately destroys >500 doses of COVID vaccine

To the shock of no one it turns out this guy is a complete nutter:
Wisconsin pharmacist who destroyed more than 500 vaccine doses believes Earth is flat, FBI says

Funny I was just about to link to that same story.

…also believes the Earth is flat and that the sky is not real, according to court documents.

But slightly frightening that he dispenses medicine. I used to think (or at least hope) that ALL pharmacists weren’t complete whackjobs.

That’s the least of his problems!

I’ve heard of links between temporal lobe epilepsy and religious fanaticism, and reduced activity of a certain portion of the brain in people who are convinced that they are dead; are they doing research into this with Flat Earthers?!?!?

p.s. This story is not paywalled.

The article says, “Brandenburg thinks the vaccine is ‘microchipped’ and will turn off people’s birth control and make others infertile.” I don’t suppose we should expect consistency in his craziness.

That makes two of us.

(I assume he is also a SovCit, which means he believes he is actually two people. One a legal person incorporated by the state for the purposes of taxation and such, the other a NATURAL BORN HUMAN UNDER GOD, and both duly convinced that Earth is flat and the sky ain’t real).

Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you: The next candidate for the Republican Party Governor of Wisconsin.

He’s perfect fit for the party. This is where they are headed.

Sorry, you left out the colons around ::NATURAL:: ::BORN:: ::HUMAN::, so your Admiralty law immunity case is sunk. You’ll have to try the UCC joinder gambit instead. See here for more good advice:

"the coworker…said “Brandenburg showed her a gun at work, which he kept in his bag. Brandenburg stated it was a ‘.45’ and (he) kept it in case the military came to take him away.”

Hard to fathom why she didn’t report this to hospital authorities. She might have been afraid that the guy would come after her if he got suspended or fired, but based on her accounts it seems equally possible that he could have gone off the deep end on his own and started shooting up the hospital pharmacy.

Probably a combination of all of the above, plus she’s quoted in the story as saying, “If I lose my job, I lose my kids” and he may have held that over her head.

BTW, that death delusion syndrome is called “Cotard’s Delusion.” Caitlin Doughty (“Ask A Mortician”) did a video about it a while back; the video is SFW.

I would not be surprised if he believes that it renders “the people who should be reproducing” infertile, while allowing “the people who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce” to breed freely.

What nonsense! Everyone knows the government put the sky up there so you wouldn’t see the Jewish space lasers.

The sky is not real. I mean, Voyager 1 is past the heliosphere, and it’s not yet hit the sky! If the sky were real then weather balloons would be gathered up on it like the living room ceiling after a kids birthday party. Come on people, get with it!

The sun is really the hole in the shell that the laser pokes out of.

It sure sounds to me like recent events have shown that a lot of businesses and agencies have been derelict in their duty to find and remove the vast legions of insane people from their employment rolls.

People whose connection to reality is that tenuous should not be permitted to do a job more complex than pushing a broom. Even driving a vehicle is marginal.

For example, see Donald J. Trump.

He likes driving big trucks.

A turtle shell.

And he cannot lie?