Forward, March! in the MMP

It’s very tasty. Not the prettiest to look at but very tasty. Cold, it’s a salad. Heated up, it’s good over pasta or rice.
I hope it gets added to the recipe blog. It should be called “Rosie’s Italian Flavored Thing”

Today I went to the bookstore to buy many books because every time I tell my students to read a book, they tell me that the ones there are all too boring. So I just know that they’ll read now that I’ve bought many of the exciting ones that I purchased. Right? :smiley:

Then I came home and scooped poop for about 45 minutes.

I’m living the life!!!

I was on the phone with RT while I was cruising around the yard and I said, this is the crappiest conversation that we’ve ever had. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like a romance more than a food item. :smiley:
ETA: I’m supposed to be working on applications right now. How am I doing??

Back from dindin at the good local steakhouse. I had a really good ribeye with a baked N.O.T. and a sallit. OYKW had a tbone with a baked N.O.T. and a sallit. We had jalapeno poppers as an appetizer. No dessert cause we were both stuffded. Plus we hardly get dessert when we eat out.

StickyBuns sometimes life is a big heapin’ pile of doodoo. :smiley:

Rosie for it to be a proper Mumper recipe it should be “Rosie’s Eyetalian Flavored Thing.”

I like that. Where’s gardentraveler?

I worked, I came home. There’s a crack in the wall from last week’s inside monsoon.:eek:* Making Chipolte BBQ chicken and Yams for dinner.

[Sings]I felt the Earth move under my feet…[/Sings]:smiley:

rosie, I like your thing.

Good luck on the GB Divorce, BBBobbio.

Midget, cool video.:slight_smile:
*What really bothers me is the shape. I think I watch too much Doctor Who.:smiley:

Wow - it’s 7:30 and still a bit light out. :stuck_out_tongue:

We just finished eating some snow crab legs - they were good, but not nearly enough of them. I didn’t want to take out a second mortgage. I’m about to go back to crocheting Peeps - I found patterns for the bunnies and the chicks - I just need to get some stuffing. That’s on the agenda for tomorrow.

Hope I feel fully human tomorrow - I’m still sorta ick, but getting there. Anyway, time to assume the position! MWAH!!

Do let us know if you hear “Prisoner Zero has escaped” during the night.

Why, thank you, sir. :wink:

MMMMMM… stuffed bunnies and chicks! :smiley:

Pagin’ gt! Rosie has a new recipe for the Blog. Pagin’ gt! That should get her in here.

So, who’s startin’ us off tomorrow? Next person to post?

:smiley: Certainly!

gardentraveler was on the SDMB today, but the last time she posted was thirteen days ago. I hope she’s okay.

I am eating a granola bar with a spoon because I didn’t realize that they had RAISINS! in them when I bought them and I don’t want to throw them away so I tore it apart and picked out all of the raisins.

I don’t think they say “Eyetalian” up there. I think they would say, “Rosie’s 142nd street flavored thing.”

I could be wrong, mind you.

I seem to remember that one of the few foods Garfield the cat wouldn’t eat was raisins.

I ordered a croissant at a McGill cafeteria the other month and I didn’t realize until I bit into it that there was a raisin stuck to the bottom. :frowning:

A yogurt covered raisin is still a !@#$% raisin.

I like raisins. Pishachios, not so much.