found something interesting: figure out squat based on legpress

The equation was sin45*X=squat where X is the deadlift. Is there a way to take reps into account?

So, they mean .85 (or whatever) * legpress? Why the hell do we need trigonometry?

I’m skeptical of any “equation” that makes things needlessly complicated.

The sin of 45 is irrational. So while 0.707 is approximate, sin(45)–which is really the inverse of the square root of 2–is not. Plus, it gives someone and idea of where they came up with the equation, rather than just throwing out a decimal value that most people aren’t going to grasp the significance of unless they regularly work with trig.

Why do people give the area of a circle as begin determined by pi? 3.14 should be good enough for anyone…

(Until you try to build a wheel out of it.)

I would seriously doubt the accuracy of that formula. True, the legpress may be on a 45 degree sled, so using this formula you could calculate the equivalent weight on a ~90 degree plane (the squat), but there is so much more involved in a proper squat than a legpress. Squats are dangerous if not done correctly, and that (should) weigh on your mind as you are performing them. Legpresses are relatively safe compared to the squat and allow you to focus more on pushing weight than proper form. I wouldn’t be surprised if most people could only squat 1/3 to 1/2 of what they can legpress.

I assume you mean X=legpress, not deadlift.

In any case, the formula is wrong. It should be cos45, not sin45.

:smack: You’re right, definitely on the 1st count and probably the 2nd.

I agree with everything you say here but it’s worth noting that what makes legpresses (potentially) safer than squats is that you don’t need to use your core strength to support the weight overhead. Leg presses are still dangerous in the end range of movement where the back can round over and in the tracking of the knee which can extend too far over the toes; the same problems inherent with squats but to a different extent. I prefer squats because they limit me from lifting too much weight if my core strength is inadequate for the weight being handled. The only advantage I see in leg presses is they’re easier to learn. Deadlifts are far superior IMO.