Fox cancels Lou Dobbs!

Y’know, if anyone (like the dozens of posters who’ve asked Bo to stop doing that) wanted to, they could flag Post 102 as “Other - useless post with no content”.

That’s only true from a certain point of view

He explained some time ago that he defined an auto-correct entry to auto-fix “LOL” → “Let’s go down…” and now I guess he can’t turn it off.

I thought it was funny when Creed said it.

“Cool beans man. I live by the quarry. We should hang out by the quarry and throw things down there!”

The misquoted paraphrase isn’t as good. Plus it’s just not as funny if you’re not Creed.

Is it possible he has it set up for his own amusement, so that anyone who writes L O L properly will have it converted?

I know that was an issue with the Drumph extension. It would sometimes change the text you typed even though you were only intending to use it when reading websites. I actually came out with a version to fix that (which, BTW, is how I know that SlackerInc was not originally a troll. We talked a lot about that addon. I gave it to him so he wouldn’t get in trouble again.)

IIRC the issue (at least with the Drumph extension) was that when a poster with the extension quoted another poster who’d used the word “Trump”, the extension converted the words inside the quote to “Drumph”.

Thereby silently, automatically, and probably unnoticed-ly misquoting the first poster. Not cricket.

Back to quarries & gravity …

In case Bo was wondering whether the time was ripe to trot this one back out, it seems the crowd’s answer is a resounding “NO!”.

This is only tangentially Fox-related but why start a new thread? We just spent a week in Key West with four other couples, all of them Trumpers. On pair, in particular, are hard core and started watching NewsMax when Fox became too liberal. We pretty much agreed to a “no politics” rule for the duration of the stay. However, the TV located on the back deck of the place was always tuned to NewsMax when I came down for morning coffee or in from a a night on the town. The last night I walked in and there they were, taking in Spicer and whoever his guests were. I couldn’t help myself and the conversation went like this:

Me: How in the hell can you watch this bullshit? Spicer? Really?
Them: Why? What’s wrong with Spicer?

Me: Well to begin with, as Press Secretary, he was a complete liar for Trump starting on day one.
Them: What are you talking about?

Me: You know, the whole “Most attended/watched inauguration in history” thing ?
Them: IT WAS!

Me: Are you kidding me? Did you even see the pictures of the crowd on the mall that day as compared to Obama’s big day?
Them: Fake pictures. The liberal media hates Trump!

Me: Never mind.

It went down hill from there. Of course, they still believe that the election was stolen,
Kayleigh Mcenany is/was the best ever and so on. We kissed and made up later but it never ceases to amaze me to how people (who are otherwise good folks) can believe this shit.

Sorry, rant over.

I know 8 people that I would never communicate with again if I was you / your spouse.

I hope he never gets hypertension and posts a thread about metoprolol…

You misspelled “9”.

Because they aren’t “otherwise good people”. They are absolutely horrible selfish people that hate America.

Because horrible people aren’t horrible all the time. Murderous dictators can be kind to animals. Politicians that have their opponents tortured and killed sometimes like fine literature and beautiful music. Apparently Donald Trump, before he went completely insane, was capable of being quite charming and pleasant. Hitler was a great dancer…, I could go on and on.

But it’s a mistake to look at those times and forget that horrible people can do none horrible things, because that leads you to forgive someone that doesn’t deserve forgiveness and to try to understand opinions that aren’t worthy of understanding. This perpetuates the abuse.

Still not a meme. The attempt was a failure.

This is exhibit #1,399,002 on why I would never be friends with a Republican. They’re fucking trash.

My concern would be that if someone that I socialized with is that untethered from reality; if they can simply deny reality; if they can look at something that is absolutely and completely factual, documented and photographed, and just wave it away with a “bah, fake news, never happened”…

Then what else could they believe and/or do? If one day the authority figure they worship tells them that I am the enemy and must be killed, will they do this? If they are told it’s OK to assault me, will they? They are no longer to be trusted to act like rational human beings.

I would avoid them at all costs, simply because they are no longer rational actors, interested in participating in a society.

In other words, they’re fucking trash.

They’re dangerous fucking trash.

Yup, I’d never be caught socializing with one.

I love it and a I laugh a little every time I see it.

I never thought of you as being that simple-minded. :wink: