Fox doesn’t want to pay the fees Dish Network is charging, so Dish Network dropped them. Good. As far as I’m concerned, Fox ‘News’ should be banned until they stop telling people they’re a news program. Or at least until they run a continuous ticker at the bottom of their screen reminding people that their ‘news’ show is satire and parody.
(Note: In the '80s/'90s amongst my friends, ‘dishing’ meant ‘dishing out the dirt’. Not that Dish Network is dishing on Fox, but I liked using it in the title. )
Apparently these sorts of shenanigans are pretty common- one network (provider?) has one popular channel and tries to arm-twist the cable/satellite carriers into carrying all their crap at some inflated rate as a result.
Dish seems to be rather implacable with regard to this tactic- in the past 3-4 years, there have been at least as many propaganda wars with the network saying “Dish is going to cheap you out of watching NCIS!” and Dish saying “CBS is jacking their price up too high for no reason and we don’t want to raise your rates!”.
Isn’t this merely business as usual until the two sides come to an agreement? This just happened a few months ago with DirecTV and several of Turner’s networks.
It is a lot easier to change the channel than to get a new dish installed from another supplier. But they’ll settle before two long. They did this with AMC and with the local CBS station (for a day) also.
So be sure to contact Dish and tell them you support their decision to take Fox off the air. Also, be sure to tell them that you would prefer Fox News never be allowed to return. After all, it’s more important now than ever before to protect America’s IQ and prevent lies, sexism, racism, and hate from taking over the media. If the FCC won’t do something about Fox, perhaps it’s time to ask private television service providers to do so.
Well how’s that for journalistic integrity, folks.
I’m pretty sure Addicting Info doesn’t claim to be an impartial news source like the New York Times or the Washington Post. I doubt most people reading it consider it an unbiased source for news, either.
Do the systems ever take the approach of contacting the advertisers and suggesting they are due a refund from Fox because x thousand/million people aren’t watching?
“Weak programming”?!? Fox News has been the number one TV news channel for years now. Regardless of what you think of them ratings don’t lie.
And I will say this once more:
Fox News is ***LESS ***biased to the right than CNN and MSNBC are to the left. The only reason the get so much criticism is because both the majority of the other media and ***all ***of pop culture believes that liberal Democrats are the ‘norm’. And they believe that because they’re inherently shallow, ignorant, simplistic, young, under-educated and naive.
IIRC, though, some of the really bottom of the barrel channels pay for carriage. Not Fox News or anything that gets substantial ratings at all, but channels like Auction Galleria #17, with the finest selection of vacant lots in distressed Florida subdivisions and bulk bags of imitation tanzanite.
ETA: But I doubt you will, so I’ll just say this: You’re wrong about Fox being less biased than CNN. You’re on less shaky ground about MSNBC, but then again, MSNBC doesn’t claim to be Fair and Balanced, like Fox does.
But bias isn’t so bad, especially when it’s not hidden. What’s bad is making shit up. Fox does that, repeatedly (see the link for many, many examples). MSNBC doesn’t.
Censor, schmensor. On the Fox/Dish issue there’s no censoring going on, just as mentioned before a business issue where Dish (most visibly but not alone among Pay TV carriers) has been drawing a line about what they will and will not pay the content providers for what channels. They are not the only carrier that has decided there is no network “too big to drop”, be it CNN or Fox or CBS or Viacom.
As mentioned there is a whole other thread dedicated to discussing the merits or lack thereof of Foz News.