FOX News is poisoning peoples' minds (including my mother's)

long meandering rant to follow.

God damn! Fox isn’t even trying to pretend they’re fair and balanced anymore! I’ve walked out into the other part of the house to get something to drink twice tonight. My mom’s asleep in the family room with the TV on the junk food of news channels.

The first time, they were wrapping up a “news story” about the book of John’s prediction of the apocalypse; beyond belief? I think it’s the question mark that really bothers me. They then proceeded to advise the audience to tune in next week when they’ll discuss stories about christian statues crying tears of blood. The teaser for the next program was a story about how a brutal murder near Philadelphia recently is related to the Muslim practice of polygamy, which is going on even here in the US! :eek: Hide your daughters!!

…sorry, got a little snarky there.

The second time I go out, they’re running some talk show that’s playing a clip of some asshole doing a skit trying to make fun of atheists by showing “how they’d deliver a speach.” Right, because their entire lives revolve around reaffirming that they don’t believe in anything not scientifically verifiable. So they’d litter a speech with references to the non-entity they don’t worship the way only a fundie can shoehorn a reference to God into speaches.
I mean, I never thought they were an ok network (well, not after the first month and a half or so that we started getting it), but I still can’t believe how blatantly their programming tonight seems to be pandering to right-wing Christian fundamentalists types.

I walked out the second time and changed the channel. I’d say something to my mom, but what’s the point? It wouldn’t do any good. She’s built this mental image that everyone who disagrees with her politically is some sort of self-righteous intellectual snob who thinks hse’s a moron. If anyone disagrees with her, we’re attacking her right to hold an opinion, not having a discussion. She acts like we all talk about her behind her back as though we’re ashamed. I guess I kind of am doing that now, but she’s a normally intelligent, rational woman, who’s letting these 24-hour news networks poison her by working her up into a frenzy about the injustices of the world, how people have no patriotism anymore, about those damn-dirty democrats, and since she can’t do anything about most of it, she just internalizes it and becomes more bitter and out-there.

Every now and then we’ll be having a discussion, and she’ll go off on some tangent that’s borderline if not outright prejudice about the jews this, or the blacks that, or how they have a lot of crime there because of all the mexicans, etc. She acts the fact that Muslims coming into this country choose to live in neighbourhoods together is indicative of some widespread agenda against the Country (or more accurately, the practice of Christianity, which seem to be one and the same in her mind).

She gets terribly upset about how “in 20-30 years, Spanish will be the main language of this country.” First of all, no it won’t, and secondly even if it does, so what? So I might have to learn passable Spanish down the road. Yet to her this would be some great wrong. 10 years ago she wasn’t like this, and used to roll her eyes at her sister (I loved my aunt, but she was a top-grade right-wing conspiracy nut) with most of the rest of the family. I don’t know if it was her outrage at the Clinton scandal, her conviction that my aunt’s predictions of a horrible attack against us where vindicated by 9/11, or what, but I can’t help but feel like it’s her ongoing addiction to watching these channels almost round-the-clock that’s making her the way she is.

I hate this growing trend in her attitudes. I hate that I have to stand by and watch this continue, because trying to do anything about just hurts her feelings and makes her resent my opinion. I hate that we live in a country where news isn’t about providing people access to information about what’s going on in the world and how it effects their lives, but about how can we pander to some demographic and play on people’s fears to sell advertising time. I hate the ridiculous amount of time and attention that is wasted on celebrity gossip, the cat who took in some exotic animal pup downtown (and all the other stupid “human interest” news stories), instead of reporting on what’s going on in the government. I hate that even the political shows are just slander, libel, and spin; rather than tell us about what issues are before the gov’t, how the officials are dealing with it, and so-and-so’s voting record, we get Bill O’Reilly, or some politician’s BS lines about what he stands for (which are almost never what he stands for).

…sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest.

Sorry about your mom, of course, but I doubt that her views are actually poisoned by sleeping through the typical fluff shows that Fox throws on the air during the low viewing hours (when they revert to being the cheap syndication network).

And are those fluff shows really being broadcast by Faux News, (10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time, adjust as necessary) as opposed to simply being picked up by the network as cheap, syndicated filler?

Well, yes, tonight her falling asleep with it on isn’t going to effect her. I changed the channel more out of disgust at the programming.

But this is pretty much all she watches anymore when she has control of the TV (aside from Paula Dean’s cooking show; I swear, I don’t know how that lady hasn’t had triple-bypass surgery, considering the recipes she features on her show).

As for the other part; I don’t really know if it’s actually produced by Fox news, or just something they’re putting on the air. My complaints were more an indictment of the choice to show any of it, and actually reach beyond Fox to include some of the garbage you can see on CNN and MSNBC, not to mention some of the ridiculous stuff that gets on the local news shows.

At least Fox is honest. They are up front about the fact they are basically the American version of Pravda. The other major news networks aren’t much better upon examination, but they are far more insidious and underhanded.

It’s interesting, though. Both my parents used to be basically liberal Republicans, but not anymore – they hate Bush, they hate our occupation of Iraq, they see the war on terrorism as a sham, and they see through the propaganda on most any given issue. I’ve had these discussions with them and was shocked to learn all that. Why? Because they watch Fox all the time. It’s their favorite network. The best I can figure out is that it really is just the entertainment and Fox has the most outlandish TV personalities and bizarre stories around, so they watch it 24/7. That and Court TV.

I’m going to take an alternative tack and suggest that the OP actually watch Fox News so as to better understand the state of America. Know thy enemy and all that. All news sources are biased, so take in a spectrum to get the fuller story.

To the OP- It’s not “the book of John’s prediction of the apocalypse”, it’s “The Apocalypse (or The Revelation) of St. John”.

And I’ve seen stories on it on CNN & CNN Headline News also.

Seems to me that the above is the problem; watching Fox simply provides an orientation.

Although admittedly, Fox may also be reinforcing her “debate” approach. Be thankful you don’t have a mic to cut…

Agree about most other major news networks, but who has the slogan “we report: you decide?” Is that being upfront about spinning? (speaking of which: “No Spin Zone”?)

There’s a guy I game with who’s like that. He watches Faux News, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc, and take it all in a gospel truth. He quotes back all their talking points as if they were the ultimate argument to anything. Of course, he never knows anything deeper about an issue than neo-con talking points, and gets flustered and angry when I can show he’s wrong or I call him on it. It’s very irritating to have to listen to his crap, and know that he didn’t just make it up, that’s it’s being shovelled around the entire country deliberately.

Gee, I have no idea how she would get such a notion. Not a clue. :rolleyes:

As much as I dislike Bush, he got a lot of stick a while back because he said he doesn’t watch TV news.

Can you blame him? I don’t either. I get more useful and accurate information watching Fox entertainment than from watching Fox news. If I want up to date news, I’ll watch the Simpsons or The Family Guy. Fair, balanced, and funny.

Y’know, at one time in this country, our press was quite opinionated both in its news coverage and in its editorial content. Papers would openly choose sides, advocate for causes, muckrake the causes and politicians of the other side, and wage all out ink and newsprint war with each other.

You can still see this all over the country, especially in small town newspapers that still carry the heritage of the party-press days, even if the paper itself changed. The newspaper in Johnstown, PA is the Tribune-Democrat. In Plattsburgh, NY it is the Press-Republican.

Now, was this particularly injurious to democracy? Especially if party affiliations were openly advanced? I don’t think so. And certainly the experience in other countries that have maintained partisan presses seems to indicate that it can be a part of a vigorous debate indeed.

So given all of this, why single out Fox News for special scorn? I don’t see that they run things especially unethically. In fact, they do more in their roundtable shows to give liberal viewpoints a fair viewing than most networks do with competing viewpoints. I think Chris Wallace and Brit Hume run model shows in this regard.

You can’t poison something that is already dead. I think many Fox viewers (though maybe not your mom, I don’t know) fall into that category.

Either you challenge your assumptions or you don’t. If you don’t, it’s not really Fox’s fault. They are serving a market. If the ratings decline, they will run to the left. I just don’t think that is likely.

Sorry I respond at length right now, but I just wanted to get something in to let you know I’m watching the thread and will be back to respond in more length later on.

I would like to quickly add a comment to FriarTed. You’re right of course, and thanks for correcting that. You have to understand, I never really studied the bible in any formal environment. I haven’t really “read” it either, just read certain select portions out of curiosity from time to time. I could’ve been more accurate in my post, but I was mostly posting in anger, and was more concerned about getting it all out at once.

Then, as now, I was in a hurry, so please excuse any spelling/grammar errors. My user experience with the SDMB includes the annoying habit of the server timing-out my log-ins when I spend a long time writing a post, so when I have a lot to say I’m often rushing. I need to get in the habit of composing my posts in a text editor ahead of time, but I’ve always found that to be an awkward means of communication.

I also wanted to ask you about this, because the coverage of religion by news organizations is pretty well established.

Peter Jennings produced several long form specials on the lives of Jesus, the travels of Paul, and the theology involved there. ABC News also did several stories on the DaVinci phenomenon, and Stone Phillips narrated a Dateline special about the last days of Jesus.

Was all of this illegitimate, or responsible coverage of a general religious topic that would be of interest to the majority of the American public? Keep in mind that even nonbelievers may find this coverage worthwhile, as it explains the beliefs that the vast majority of their neighbors hold.

I don’t know your mother, but from the way you’ve described it, she’s had major changes in personality over the past 10 years. Have you considered the possibility that this has an organic cause? A variety of things, from mental illness to Alzheimers disease, can cause such personality changes. Like I said, I don’t know your mom, and I’m not a doctor, but surely it can’t hurt to check this stuff out, can it?

I wouldn’t find the existence of Fox News quite so objectionable if there were a left-wing equivalent to balance it, but there isn’t. (There is this project in the works, but it will be Internet-only, not on TV.)

What bothers me most about Fox News is that they present themselves as “Fair and Balanced”- when they’re completely the opposite. They’re so partisan and biased it’s stupid. If Rupert Murdoch and his vassals are so intent on being the right-wing voice, they should at least be honest about being so.

Or “fair and balanced?” (Or is that something else?)

So if a left-wing Fox News would be just fine, what’s wrong with Fox News? Their existence isn’t conditioned on the presence of a counterpart on the other side of the spectrum. The First Amendment doesn’t work that way.