France's "burqa ban": will it just drive muslim woman into seclusion?

Just as well the French are not bound by American values then, and can decide what they want to do for themselves. Any more than America has the right to impose it’s values on any Islamic country it has not invaded yet.

Meh, if they don’t control the massive muslim immigration with token measures such as these, in 100 years France will become the latter.

If he murdered her home in Pakistan, that would be for the Pakistani authorities to punish; since he actually did murder her for refusal in Canada without any ban from the state supporting her refusal, I fail to see your point.

Yet France is not an officially Islamic country, nor has been. She may not wish to put herself in the position of being dictated to by an alien religion. She does not want to be dictated to by the catholic faith either.

Islamic countries have the right to dictate their own laws, and in accordance with Islamic Law if they want. Should I live in one I wouldn’t drink alcohol from respect to muslims. If I needed to drink alcohol I’d go back to Europe.

I’d admit those muslims who disagree with Islam can’t simply go to another country and become secularized atheists or christians, since under Islamic Law apostacy from Islam carries some penalty, but other options such as revolution are open to such people. ( Sadly, revolution in muslim countries appears to be more frequently based on a return to religious purity rather than demanding secularization or ‘human rights’ for all. )
And you should certainly criticize, everybody has the right to criticize anything: they just shouldn’t believe that their views mean anything to those who exercise government.

Could you manage to at least not be so blatant with your prejudice? For what it’s worth French citizens who practice Islam already make up about 10% of France. (cite) What you don’t seem to grasp is that it’s perfectly possible to be both French and Muslim at the same time. In fact, there are about 6,000,000 people who already identify as such.

If you really can’t learn to not see Muslims as some scary other who turn every place they touch into a third world country there isn’t much to talk about with you. You also seem to see the words Muslim and Arabic as interchangeable. They’re not. In fact the country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia.

The point was that you seem to think Aqsa Parvez’s father was such a law-abiding citizen that if only there was a law against wearing the veil he would not have tried to force his daughter to wear one.

For the rest of us the fact that he straight up murdered his own daughter tends to imply that obeying national laws wasn’t exactly his strong point and he, as an individual, may have had a few issues to work out.

Fun fact: Most Catholic Churches in France are actually owned by the government and may be used rent free. It’s because they are have “cultural associations” and so are maintained by the State.

If an invasion is all it takes, we will attack France in the morning, right after we have our coffee :dubious:

Why the need for a law banning the burqa, specifically, when one banning face covering, whether it be with a scarf, a motorcycle helmet or a burqa, would suffice? Are there situations where a burqa whould not be tolerated but some other sort of face covering would (Halloween? In a hospital ward?).

Given bombs can be put in undergarments, and garments are used to conceal weapons, drugs, and other items, do you support a mandatory nudity law?

How about skiers. Sky masks are out, que no? Make up, and hair die can be used to change one’s appearance. Let’s outlaw it. Tanning salons too. Also platform shoes. They make people taller than they are.

Edit: oh oh, contact lens and glasses! New hair styles too. Also beards. Since I shaved my goatee, and cut my hair shorts not so many people recognize me.

Edit: what I’m saying is your philosophy is crazy if fairly applied, and inexcusable racism and bigotry as in this case.

Let’s ban wedding rings, too, since they are the token that men give to ‘acquire’ their wives. :o Talk about subjugation of women!

These women in question wear burqas out of choice!

Burqas are designed to terrorize who…?

You need to solidify your argument a little. Using this logic, then we should ban Hasidic Jews from dressing the way they do…you know…cause someone may have a problem.

NYC does have an anti-mask law that is designed to ban the KKK white sheet. :o

A foreign religion? Well, since France is secular, all religions are foreign. (: There are 4+ million Muslims in France. Hardly a couple of weirdos down in Tejas drinkin the juice.

It’s a bad law. The government can say it’s about women’s rights but it does nothing to promote them. If women are being subjugated by their male family members, the solution is not to have the government telling them how to live. That’s just changing one subjugating authority for another.

It’s also a bad idea because of what I feel is the real agenda here. The government is stigmatizing a Muslim religious practice. That’s just one small step away from stigmatizing Muslims and Islam directly. This law is just pandering to xenophobia.

Because under neath the burkha they are completely naked. Seems very comfortable in the summer.

Most burkha wearing families I know, say the decision to wear it or not ,is made by the girl at age 8. That seems too young to make a life decision to me.

They are? Not that I’ve ever heard of (except perhaps in individual cases)…or are you kidding here?


Aren’t we all naked under our clothes?

The beginning and end of this story is that the French government is simply trying to annoy Muslims. Security, women’s rights, whatever is just so much bullshit. It’s just a way to make make sure Muslims know that they are not welcome.

I’m always amazed how shocked- shocked!- Europe is when their Muslim population doesn’t meld seamlessly into society and occasionally seems to have a bit of resentment.

Um, cite?

I’m sorry, do you expect even sven to be able to conjure up a cite with a French official declaring that these actions are just to annoy Muslims?

Except that the ban that you support does place the burden of responsibility on the “potential victim”. It’s the burka-wearing women who are being arrested, and presumably will be prosecuted, under the law.

Now if France wants to criminalise forcing women to wear a burka against their will, I’m all for that.

Mostly such a proportion since 1945, so they are new-comers who should adapt to their country, not have their country adapt to their religion.

Or more…

*“We are at home, France will soon belong to us. There are already 10 million of us, soon there will be 20 million, you’ll see. You will not be able to stop us from doing anything. This country is ours.” *

Where did I imply they were scary ? My own view is leave them alone in peace and let them leave the west alone. Mr. Joel Stein recently wrote of some not-muslims: ‘Lyndon Johnson "had some weird relationship with Asians in which he liked both inviting them over and going over to Asia to kill them."’ Americans feel a moral imperative for both invading muslims for their own good and lecturing Europe on how they should assimilate Islam. Some of us wish to do neither; and certainly not because it makes Americans feel virtuous.

Since most of their own countries aren’t particularly splendidly governed nor shining exemplars of freedom and joy, it seems reasonable to assume this is caused partly by their culture or religion. Should they continue to expand population and have Islam convert Europe, it is scarcely likely they will increase freedom or joy.

But there’s no point in being frightened of anything, since such things will either happen or not happen, and there’s nothing individuals can do about that.
And what’s with the 'learn’ ? The didactic touch is always threatening…

I have no idea what you are trying to say here, since nowhere did I mention Arabs or Arabic.

Fun fact: Pakistan is not Arabic either.

Because France was *historically *a catholic nation and has signed a number of concordats with the Papacy. She is still very secular in government, and has no need to submit to the demands of any religion’s adherents.

And quite right. KKK garb is designed to threaten others and to be a visible symbol of that threat.

Apart from being utterly hideous.

[ Along with very similar clothing of latin catholicism not designed for such purpose, but equally repellent. ]

No doubt there’s burqa porn for bored Saudis… Just like there’s nun-clothing porn for some freaks.

But this is a case of France adapting to their religion (the passage of laws that didn’t exist before is clearly an action by the state and not the settlers).

Moreover this is forgetting that Islam has long been a part of the French Republic. Remember that the conquest of Algeria dates back to early XIXth century.
I have no love for the crazy bitches that take on wearing the burqua (I believe in most cases, it is not being forced upon them. And there seems to be a good number of new converts among those women, the zealotry of the recently converted…). But the anti Muslim campaign is getting more than old. Sarkozy seems utterly convinced that you cant win the country if you dont stage a conflict and make yourself appear as the winner. He’s dividing the country for nothing of value. And, I think it’s **even sven **that said it, it’s just a campaign, not to persecute, but *to annoy *Muslims. Just take them down a peg or two. Repeatedly.