Fred Phelps falls off the edge of the world...

If you have the time,


Hating fags so much you’ll picket the funeral of the grandmother of someone who might have done something nice for gay people == normal and rational.

Hating soldiers == round the twist.

Seriously, don’t you think he reached the “limit for dark, unreasoning hatred” about ten or fifteen years ago?

One can only hope that a large contingent of relatives and war vets is there the same time he is, and gives him some “corrective instruction”.

He and his little goonies picketed the memorial service for Mr. Rogers.

Really, I think that says all that needs to be said about him. To paraphrase: He is an utter fuckwicket.

I just looked at that godhatesamerica website. What a disgusting bastard.

Wait’ll news of this gets around to our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pissing off hundreds of thousands of Americans trained to handle firearms, plus their families and friends, can’t be a smart idea.

Fred & co. will be lucky if the worst thing that happens to them is some angry picketing at their compound.

I wonder if military funerals enjoy any special protection in law from offensive or trespassing picketers than other funerals… and if an anti-Phelps activist lawyer could file a motion pinning them on some obscure ordinance concerning political harrassment of funereal parties, slander or funereal desecrations during times of war, etc.

I’d like to see Phelps do this at a place like Arlington National. That’d bring in the big networks and stir up a shitstorm of public condemnation.

Phelps has been on national before. Remember Matthhew Shephard’s funeral? And he made all four major news services when he picketed the funeral of Randy Shilts, reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, and author of And The Band Played On.

I do not believe so. Most people wouldn’t think it would be necessary, but with Phelps running free, I don’t know.

That pain in your frontal lobe? Yeah. You just got dumber for having read that site.

Well, more than that. Phelps has announced he’s going to picket Jerry Falwell’s funeral when he dies, because, while Falwell thinks that homosexuality is evil and that gays shouldn’t be allowed rights like marriage, adoption, or protection against discrimination, he also thinks that God still loves gay people.

So, he’ll even picket you for not disliking gay people enough.

If one person feels validated by seeing/hearing him he does harm.

With the comments he made about Matthew Shepherd after his murder, he did harm to the Shepherd family.

Even the strongest person can be hurt while grieving by a sadistic monster hurling vile epithets about the loved one now lost.

Is there any explanation for how Phelps became the way he is?

Yeah, and a nasty bunch of happy assholes they are, too. Honestly, I would be thrilled to turn on the news only to hear that the Phuckers had finally picketed the wrong funeral and had been eliminated with extreme prejudice. The world would be a helluva lot better off.


He lay sleeping beneath the sea for eons, until the mad prophet opened the Necronomicon and recited the cursed words within.

Your comparison slanders Cthulu.

Your spelling blasphemes Cthulhu.

this site paints a fairly detailed picture of him and his family. It’s a sickening story.

He’s a closet gay. He hates himself.

So he takes it out on everyone else.

Oooh! If I blaspheme, can I get eaten first?

Rather than taking it out on the gays by coming out and coming on to them.
