"Freedom Fries" for the Fatherland

Work makes Fries? It does if you work in Mac Ds.

Good. Maybe they’ll vote for less of an asshat then Chirac next time around.

Well it’s certainly shorter and rolls off the tongue better than "Cheese-Eating-Surrender-Monkey Fries. "

samarm, one of us is whooshing the other. I’d just like to clarify that issue. Please tell me I’m overreacting.

No whoosh, I was making a poor joke on your Arbeit Macht Frei parody. :slight_smile:

You’re kidding, right? All Americans are asshats because of Bush, too, right?

You have passed up a good opportunity to remain quiet, and it shows poor upbringing.

from CBC:

Ah, matt_mcl, but let one American show up with his AR-15, his Colt Peacemaker, his willingness to shoot anybody who crosses him and his sincere belief that anyone who claims not to speak 'Murrican is just being a smartass and the French will fall down at his feet and offer him their finest wines and cheeses, if there isn’t an armed German around they could be sucking up to instead.

Heh. I just got to be deliberately offensive to at least three different groups, all off a single post. God bless the French.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I’ll give it another go.

All Americans used to be asshats because of Clinton, but now they’re okay 'cause they all voted for Bush. Did I get it right this time?

Godwinised from the OP down; well I’ll be jiggered, aint never seen nuttin like that 'afore.

Racist? You’re darn tootin’ it’s racist! How’d you like to be a potato from Idaho, chopped up into pieces and then called, “French”?
Of course, we could do what the British do and call them chips instead and avoid the whole problem.
But being a Canadian I can tell you what a problem the French really are. Every box of cereal is manufactured in such a way that when you pick it up you automatically get the French side and have to flip the damn box over to read it. Now that is really annoying. Not some minor thing like a disagreement over some war, or another.

Seriously, the guy can call his fries “CESM Fries”, or whatever he wants to. You don’t have to buy them if you don’t like it. The same thing goes for products from France. If you support what the French are doing then go and buy their products to make up for those who don’t. Sheesh!:rolleyes:

I have to agree with the previous posters who have pointed out that this doesn’t really qualify as “fascist.”

The word you want is “jingoistic.”

Jingoists are just as distasteful, but they don’t dress as well.

It’s still fun to take cheap shots at the french, though.

Just curious, if I were to eat at this individual’s restaurant and he found out about my ancestry, could I expect to find any “extra ingredients” in my food?

Two things here:

  1. You’ve just been whooshed. Brutus was paraphrasing Chirac’s comments towards Eastern European states who supported the US.

  2. Your analogy doesn’t even make sense. Brutus didn’t call all the French asshats for electing Chirac. He didn’t call them asshats for any reason, for that matter. He called Chirac an asshat.

Please try again.

And the award to the most idiotic OP goes to SweatLucy who apparently can’t tell the difference between the systematic murder of 12 million people and um…renaming a snack food.


  1. I doubt Desmostylus was whooshed, Neurotik.
  2. The analogy “didn’t make sense” because you didn’t understand it. I expect Desmostylus thinks Brutus thinks Chirac is an asshat because that’s the line Bush’s supporters are taking. It couldn’t because he’s upset as a matter of high principle at Chirac’s patronising meddling in the affairs of other countries, because he said

And yeah, the behaviour described in the OP might be populist foolishness slod to morons by scoundrals, but let’s not hyperventilate folks. Or I’ll set me Alsation on yer.

That’s a good example, Hawthorne of the name-phobia. The German Shepherd was temporarily re-named Alsatian during WWII, because of anti-German feelings. Not to say that people were wrong to oppose the German war, but to get upset about dogs that had the word German in their name was pretty silly.

Same with the French fries that come from Idaho.

As for Brutus, I just got the impression that he was saying the French deserved whatever they got simply because of who they voted for. I did a simple tit-for-tat and labelled Americans because of who they voted for. It’s ridiculous either way.

That’s ambiguous. Read it as “Not to say that people were wrong to oppose the war started by Germany

Yeah, pretty silly stuff. Next thing you know, the French will be protesting and boycotting American foods, and then…wait a minute.

Never mind.

One thing I balk at is the renaming of French toast. “Chirac is Toast” just doesn’t make it for me.