Freewwweb goes bust!

I got my pink slip in the email today:

Have you other freewwweb members received your walking papers too? I hope they’re not just picking on me. I’m doing the Juno download now, we’ll see if it has the same look & feel of Freewwweb- high speed access with no banners.


I thought I must be the only one… :wink:

I hate Juno!

I was getting used to getting free internet without having to look at any ads.

let me say it again, I HATE JUNO!

Time to go ISP shopping again. There’s still free ones with no ad bar.

Here was my favorite place before I got cable.

USA’s Free ISP’s Comparison chart.

If you don’t see a chart, push the “Comparisons” link.

I switched to which is faster and more reliable than Freewwweb was. just hop over to their web site and sign up.