Fridge funk

My roommate’s fridge has a weird and bad smell. She has cleaned it out and put boxes of baking soda in it, but that hasn’t helped. She says the smell and taste are getting into whatever food she puts in her fridge. She has used Formula 409 to clean it. She isn’t sure what caused the smell. Does anyone have ideas on what she could clean her fridge with to get the smell out?

Fridge funk - worst George Clinton album ever.

Seriously, EVERYTHING needs to be removed from the fridge (shelves, racks, etc) and cleaned with a bleach solution. While everythings out, thoroughly clean all the surfaces inside. Every nook and cranny.

Thanks. I’ll tell her.

I had a mysterious awful odor in my last refrigerator. I took out all the shelves and drawers, cleaned it from top to bottom with Lysol and then rinsed it with a baking soda and water solution. It still stank. It wasn’t until I finally gave up and replaced the thing that I investigated further (after we hauled it out to the curb for the recycling truck). Apparently, some kind of meat juice had dripped under the plastic pan at the very bottom of the refrigerator, where I couldn’t see it or get in to clean. I believe the pan had a crack at the very back, and my new refrigerator is sealed better, but since I never, ever want to experience that smell again, I now defrost and store all meat in secure containers with sufficiently high sides to prevent any leakage.

I hope that isn’t the kind of problem she has with her fridge. She is notorious for leaving food in her fridge for long periods of time in dubious containers.

I had a bad smell in my kitchen once and eventually found a dead bird. Maybe there’s a dead mouse underneath it.


If this dorm had mice, I would not be surprised.

I had this problem as well, with my lovely little square-foot-capacity fridge. We had to unplug everything in the dorms over winter break. I left the door propped open, and a month of airing it out seemed to do the trick.

For more practical suggestions, I second bleach. And be sure to get every single area.

Once you have completely scrubbed every surface inside the fridge with bleach, then leave a box of baking soda or a couple of charcol briquettes inside. Either of these would absorb most smells inside.