Friends and Nipples

So a dear friend of mine has decided to sell his soul and watch primetime shitcoms. He told me that the set of Friends, as well as several other hit shows with “hot” women, keep the stage area and the set itself at a constant temp if 65 degrees (Farenheit boys and girls) so as to…perk up the stars. Uhhhh is this true? If so, where are the lawsuits?

Also, why the hell does everyone’s nipples do this?


Disclaimer: I’m not a physiologist, but we just had a long discussion about “nipple erections” on the sex-wizards list.

It seems that most people get nipple erections when they get goosebumps; the smooth muscle around your nipple contracts at more or less the same time as the smooth muscle around your hair follicles. (Didja know the mammary glands are modified sweat glands, and normal sweat glands live at the bottom of hair follicles?) This happens, among other things, when you’re cold. To make your fur stand on end and trap air to keep you warm, you understand.

Unfortunately, human fur generally doesn’t benefit much from this.

My nipples stand at attention when its cold and when I find something really great on Ebay. Why is it they stand up when I get excited. It could be for the same reason listed above. Next time I am surfin around Ebay and I get excited, I look at my forearm and let you know.

The fact is, the sets for all TV shows are kept cool because when the lights come on, it gets hot very quickly. You remember the jokes Letterman makes about how cold his studio is? I assume NO ONE wants to see him “perky.”

As usual, the truth just isn’t as much fun.

I wanna know about this “sex wizards” list… ?

There is a newsgroup,

There is also a mailing list. It is much better than the newsgroup because anything in the hierarchy gets spammed to hell.

I eventually unsubscribed because after about 5 months it seemed like nothing new was ever discussed.

I don’t remember the information for the mailing list. I am at work and don’t want to do any searches for fear of the images that may suddenly appear on my monitor.

On da money, Kunilu. Not only Sets using Video cameras, but any film set is kept cool for much the same reasons. The added issue with video cameras is that they don't function as long in high heat. Like computer gear, they kinda love 63 degrees...ish.

 Of course, there are extreme stories. At the 1996 Summer Olympic Games ( the Centennial Games ) in Atlanta, Panasonic was the official supplier of cameras. Now, they had their new camera, outfitted for the shoots. This puppy used to get SO hot- that Panasonic actually had made Heat Shields, so that the hand-held camera ops didn't slowly burn their ears. Don't ask me for a cite, it's not an U.L._ I HELD ONE OF THESE AGAINST MY HEAD PERSONALLY. Bad design, cheap technology. They failed A LOT due to overheating......As they say, Sony the One and Only.
