Fringe 12/10 (spoilers)

Olivia seems to have been brought over by some kind of transporter technology, which I’m assuming is how the hybrids do it. I think only hybrids and special children like Olivia can survive that. Belle went over using an actual doorway that Walter invented and that we saw the big bad from last season use. I think the idea is that with an actual doorway regular humans can get through unharmed. In that other episode, a truck driver from the other universe got stuck in this one. How is he faring?

The thing that annoys me is the horrible retcon about Olivia’s trip. The first time, she goes in a magic elevator. The second time, they change it to her having been pulled from her moving car.

As far as apocalypse, so far we know the flaming buildings were limited to Boston. It’s possible the blight is limited to that area as well. NY looks fine - better even given the WTC is still standing. We also know they have more advanced tech and more shuttle missions.

Belle mentioned something to Olivia about her abilities. I think he’s implying that she will be able to travel between universes at will. Did you see that one episode where, while investigating a dead body, she would have “dreams” where she was in a world where there were two dead bodies? Walter described it as a dream or premonition, but I think she was moving back and forth between universes.

If it’s the one from the episode where what’s his name with the bandaged face opened up a portal where the trucker driver went through before the portal closed and split his truck, the truck crashed which killed the driver.

Yeah, that really bugged me too.

I thought it was just because the 911 attacks hit different targets in the parallel universe.
ETA: If there’s still flaming buildings and whatnot, maybe al qaeda is a lot more effective in their universe and they’re still causing trouble for the US on US soil.

I missed that somehow. When was that mentioned?

Did William Bell change his name to Belle when I wasn’t looking, or are we talking about Beauty and the Beast now?

Yeah, I know Walter has a nickname for him, but are people spelling it Belle? Really? I’d go for Belly.

I don’t think this is a retcon (as [post=11598911]previously discussed[/post]). To quote myself:

:confused: Let me see if I have this straight. Olivia swerves and gets teleported to her parallel universe counterpart car? So then, when she returns, she has to return to this universe’s car, which had crashed, so…I’m confused.

Also, why is there only one Walter, William, and Olivia? In the episode where she moves between worlds, the alternate agent Broyles recognizes Olivia, so does she trade places with her parallel self when she crosses over?

OK, I know, I know, these questions will probably get answered as the series progresses.

The flaming buildings were from the ep where Olivia was able to switch places with her altnernate self. And that was a recent and limited to Boston thing.

The shuttle thing was on a newspaper or poster or something in a flashback I think. “Challenger’s 11th mission” dated to before that could have happened here.

In the episode where Peter dreams about being kidnapped by Walter there is a poster for the Challenger’s 11th mission on the wall and dated after the Challenger was destroyed in our universe.

Guess I have to pay closer attention to details.

So, they keep bring up Peter’s abduction. I’m assuming that they’ll be bringing it to a head soon.

And when they showed showed the character of Thomas Jerome Newton I keep looking at him, knowing I seen him before…and it kept bugging me, until I realized he played Kurt Mendel on Odyssey 5.

He’s always great, too. Give the guy an Emmy, he’s awesome.

Hey, I don’t write this stuff, I’m just reporting. :wink:

But I’m encouraged by the way the show’s themes are coming together, and it makes me optimistic there actually is a good general outline in mind for the outcome of the mythology, and perhaps overly optimistic that “retcons” are not necessary (being, of course, indications of poor writing - or at least poor planning). I thought the truth of Olivia’s transport was nicely foreshadowed, given the cliffhanger ending from Season 1, when all we know is she wound up “over there” but not really sure how. As it turns out, Bell somehow pulled her from her SUV at the moment of the crash when the shapeshifter tried to kill her in “this” universe. When she is sent back, Bell actually apologizes for the “momentum deferred” - that is, she has to go back with her momentum from the deferred crash preserved, thus she smashes through the windshield of the now-idle SUV.

As for “only one” Walter, William, and Olivia, well I don’t know where that’s coming from. They’ve repeatedly said “there is more than one” of everything, so I think we simply don’t know what happened to (or haven’t seen) the “other” William or Walter. And Olivia, in the episode in which she saw the other side, was experiencing a shift of her consciousness to her “other side” self, not a body transport (probably as a result of the cortexiphan trials). Clear as mud, yes? :cool:

Thank you for the explanations. Although it’s possible she physically changed universes, her consciousness shifting makes sense too.

But for the car wreck, what the heck was this all about?

Let me really mess with you…with JJ Abrams, the devil is always in the details. In last week’s episode (12/3) there was a scene where Olivia was hunkered down with some SWAT-types. I had to pause my DVR to check, but, the US flags on the SWAT uniforms didn’t have 50 stars…and I think the stripe number was off, too…

…if that’s the case, then WHICH universe are we really watching??

(Or, this could just be a Hollywood ‘artifact’ that shows up because there have to be identifiable differences between Hollywood SWAT uniforms and genuine SWAT uniforms…)

The show is clever on a number of levels.

Now that the glyph code for the images shown at commercial breaks has been broken, I feel a bit like Ralphy in The Christmas Story with his Ovaltine decoder ring. The message doesn’t seem to mean much of anything, but it is fun, and just one more layer of the puzzle.

I shout each new letter with glee :smiley:

It’s also fun, though I’m very at it, to try and spot the observer each episode (I never notice the pineapple in Pysch either).

This seems particularly likely since…

Nice catch.

Seriously - I like it that the writers aren’t afraid to throw in subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) references like this.

Like having Clint Howard as a Star Trek geek who believes it’s real. Yeah, the writers are doing a good job.

I just hope they explain better why they show Olivia change universes in the elevator at the end of season 1, only to say she was taken from her car in season 2.

She changed universes in the car - she changed buildings/locations in the other universe in the elevator - we have not been told if/why that was needed - could be the only way to get to Bell’s office, could’ve been for affect because it wasn’t clear she changed when she swerved in the car. (and the flash in the elevator was Olivia’s inherit flash, not anything else)

Everything about the MRI images and procedures were wrong!