I’ve got a 2006 Honda Accord LX with about 255,000 miles on it. I do most maintenance myself, including brake work.
The front brake pads were last replaced 12,000 miles/11 months ago. At that time, pad wear was uniform and equal on all four pads. One caliper pin (upper left) wasn’t moving very freely, but I cleaned and re-lubed all four and it seemed fine on installation. The rotors appeared to be in fine shape, so in accordance with the shop manual’s recommendation I did not have them resurfaced.
I recently heard wear-indicator noises (very early based on past history), so today I popped the wheels off to have a look…
Both pads on the right wheel are worn nearly to the metal; the wear is uniform across the pads and both are worn approximately the same amount. Both pads on the left wheel look practically brand-new.
The right-side rotor is noticeably worn - it’s well below discard thickness when I measure it, and there’s an obvious ridge along the outer edges of both faces, where the pad material doesn’t quite reach. Based on the size of that ridge, it appears that both faces of the rotor have worn about equally. The left-side rotor appears normal and measures out at the “new” thickness.
All four caliper pins seem to move freely. I’m able to compress both pistons into their calipers with normal effort - they certainly don’t feel bound up to me.
Here’s what I find surprising: I have noticed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary while driving the car (besides the wear indicator noises). No pull to one side under braking (or while not braking); no altered pedal feel or travel; no pulsation. My wife, who also drives the car from time to time, has noticed nothing either.
Clearly, something is wrong.
Pads and rotors have to be replaced, of course, but if I don’t address the underlying problem I’ll be right back where I am now in a year or less. Possible problems that come to mind are:[ul]
[li]Stuck caliper piston;[/li][li]Stuck caliper pin(s);[/li][li]Internally-failed brake hose;[/li][li]Faulty master cylinder (only one “channel” of the diagonal system working).[/li][/ul]
The car is up on jackstands in the driveway right now. I’m interested in any opinions on what tests I should perform, or what failure these symptoms may point to.