Would a frozen Stouffer’s Mac & cheese left in the refrigerator for a 24hour period, and then refrozen still be ok to eat?
I have no clue. I’m leaning towards the throw it away.
Would a frozen Stouffer’s Mac & cheese left in the refrigerator for a 24hour period, and then refrozen still be ok to eat?
I have no clue. I’m leaning towards the throw it away.
Frozen mac & cheese will only become a deadly killer if you flush it down the toilet and it is allowed to live in the sewers of your city, nourishing itself for years with toxic refuse and growing to mammoth proportions.
Most likely? yes. The fridge wouldn’t warm it up enough to spoil. I don’t know anything about the dish itself, it might become mushy. But it would be safe.
I left it all night at work. My cheap ass bosses won’t buy a full fridge and we only have this little itty one. It has a freezer compartment but it is entirely filled with ice and growing by the day.
At least i won’t starve today then.
Who do you think will ultimately defrost the fridge?
How hungry are you?
It’d probably be okay, but is it worth risking food poisoning? Thawing and refreezing is tricky at best. FWIW, I never take a risk w/ this at work, etc. where I’m not sure of where the food has been or the fridge temp.
My inclination? Pitch it. I loathe wasting food, but in your situation, better safe than sorry. (And food poisoning will make you sorrier than you’ve ever *dreamed[/] of being!)
Thawing and re-freezing entirely in the refridgerator is perfectly safe. I thaw all of my food that way, because it never reaches a temp that it will spoil.(unlike the countertop) Plus, there is so many preservatives in frozen dinners that you could leave it outside in the street all day and it would probably still be edible.
It’s totally safe…we’re not talking about a pack of hamburger here.
Go ahead and eat it…besides i’m curious to see what happens.